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#8 They Meet Kakashi?

by inuyasha67 0 reviews

i know kakashis from naruto, but i want to make things interesting. From what miroku sais, things get worse for inuyasha! So they find a small village called the village hidden in the leaves and ta...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Miroku - Published: 2008-01-28 - Updated: 2008-01-29 - 763 words

Inuyasha was still ill. He was sill indjured from his last battle. Miroku desided to check on him. Miroku checked his pulse. he checked his temperature and said. "Inuyasha is worse than i thaught. we might have to find some suitibale metical treatment for him." "But where are we going to take him?" Asked kagome. "I don't know" "Wanh! sob inuyasha you can't die, if you die then ill have no one to punch me out!" Shippo cryed beside him. "Why don't we travel untill we find a village or something?" Crystal said. "Excellant idea crystal! We'll start tomorow!"


Sango and miroku rode kiraras back. Kagome on shippo, and crystal ocomponied inuyasha on her demon cat kitty. They traveled and traveled but saw not a single person in sight until...

"Look down there!" Kagome called out to the gang. "A little village!"
There was a village! A very colorful village. They stoped at the door and there was a man in the front dressed in strange clothes. "Oh a big village!" Kagome corrected her self. "WELCOME OUTSIDERS! Welcome to the hidden leaf village, a village hidden in the leaves! Where folks of all kinds get..." "Excuse me" Miroku interupted. "You don't mind if we come in do you?" Hmph outsiders don't usualy interupt my speach The villager thought. "Yes come on in!" The villager lett them in. "Aww this vvillage is so cute!" It was! There were children playing a little side street corner stores with great success. looked like the people in this village were very friendly! Miroku didn't hesetate to ask but he ran to the first house he saw and started knocking.


The door openes. Miroku didn't see anybody there. he looked down and saw a short blond fellow looking straight at him. "AGH!!!" He yelled slamming the door in his face. Miroku thought for a second. The door opened again and there was another short fellow. a little taller then the other one but with black hair. "Can i help you sir?" He asked. Miroku was going to ask about the last fellow but instead said, "Is there an adult in the house i can speak to?" Kakashi stood behind the boy with black hair and said, "Sasuke wwhy is naruto saying theres an ugly man at the door with a kunai knive?" "Uh, Naruto is stupid, this man would like to speak to you." Sasuke went back inside.

"Can i help you with anything?" kakashi asked. "Yes. My friend here is very ill and was hoping he could be..." "Yes come inside."


They introduced themselves and lay inuyasha on a small bed. Miroku was sitting down when naruto came up to him. "Um excuse me, are you going to use that massive head of yours and kick me out of town?" "NARUTO! You are so rude! This mans a guest and you insult him?" a girl with pink short hair and a red dress named sakura yelled.

Kakashi checked his heart beet and his temperature and gave him a drink of water and some pills. Inuyasha was soon recoverd.

When he awoke he was freaked out but when they explained things to him he understood. "Amazing! How can i ever repay you?" Miroku asked. "Theres no need for that just glad we could help." Kakashi said. Inuyashas eyse were wide open! "Uh inuyasha? whats the problem?" Kagome asked. "Um, not to be uh rude or anything but, what is that book you are reading?" inuyasha asked

"Oh you mean this? well this is none other that the famous makeout paradise! My personal favourite!"

"Did you say make out paradise?" Asked miroku. "Well now let me join you." Miroku crept up beside him and had a look "Why this IS magnificent stuff where can i get a book like that?" "wel..."

Sangos eyes were bold and sharp with an angry look on her face. "uh sango?" kagome asked. "Hey kagome why is sango so upset?" Chrystal asked. "You dont want to know!"

"Well it's ben great meeting you all!" "Yes and send me a copy of that book kakashi!" Miroku yelled goodbye with a great smile!

"I cant belive i almost lost a life cause of that basterd!" Inuyasha said
"Dont worry you fought well!" Chrystal said
"I can't wait till kakashi sends me that book it looks absoulutly splend---...." Miroku looks at sangos reaction. "Uh I am absolutly NOT going to read it!" Miroku said with a guilty smile!"

(I hope you liked it! Review it please and tell me what you think!)
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