Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Is The Red Of The Rose On Your Coffin Door

Who Would Have Known

by Taelor_Iero 1 review

Frank tells Mikey, and Mikey, well, just read it

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-02 - Updated: 2008-02-02 - 241 words

"Why do you ask" Mikey, whsipered do to the fact that he was scared out of his mind.
"Well, you see, I kinda have his thing, and well let me put it this way.... Im a vampire Mikey" Frank said, hoping and crossing his fingers that he wouldnt run.
"Really" Mikey asked more shocked than anything.
"Yes, I have proof" Frank stated pointing at his mouth.
"Show me" Mikey said, hoping he wasnt lieing.
Frank proceded to open his mouth to reveal normal teeth. As he smiled, the third tooth on each side became progressivley longer. Mikey just stood there, shocked.
"Holy shit! That is the coolest thing i have ever seen!" Mikey exclaimed causing Frank to jump.
"So you're ok with it? Me being a vampire and all, because I totally understand if not, Ive...." Frank was cut off by a sharp pain in his arm.
Frank looked down to see Mikey retracting his own pearly white fangs.
"Just shut the fuck up will you!" Mikey yelled.
"Ok, sheesh, but what was that for! You didnt have to bite, oh, wait! Are you a vampire too?!" Frank nearly yelled.
"Yes i am, but only you and me know, and id really, really, really, like to keep it that way!" Mikey whispered to Frank. "My brother is out there somehwere too, i have no idea where, but i know he is close, i can feel him. Dont worry though, he's normal."
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