Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Is The Red Of The Rose On Your Coffin Door

Everything Will Change

by Taelor_Iero 2 reviews

Mikey finds his brother

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-02-02 - Updated: 2008-02-02 - 423 words

Mikey ended up staying at Franks house in hot and muggy New Jersey that night, and every night from then on until Mikey could feel his brother getting closer. Frank woke up one morning, unable to feel Mikey's emotions.
Mikey had dremt that his brother was in a house not to far from Frank's place. He had been worried that it was all fake, and gone in search. He felt his emotions get stronger.
"Gerard, are you in here" Mikey called as he cautiosly entered the abandoned house.
Mikey silently walked thru the house following Gerard's scent. He nearly freaked when he faound him curled up in a ball on the floor.
"Gerard, oh my god, are you okay!" Mikey screamed. He could sense his emotions, but he could never tell if he was feeling alright.
"Mikey, does it look like im o-fucking-kay to you" Gerard sighed as He rolled over. He was extremely pale and skinny. He had it rough since Mikey left, Gerard got sick of the beatings and ran.
"Oh no Gerard, what did he do to you. Im gonna fucking kill him..." Mikey muttered under his breath.
"No you are not! Michael James Way, you look at me when im talking to you!" Gerard yelled at Mikey.
"Gee, hold that thought, were not alone" Mikey whispered. Gerard always wondered how he could feel when they werent alone.
Mikey sulked silently down the stairs, and waited to attack. Nothing was gonna get near his brother, not now, not ever. Mikey's eyes were bright red when he jumped on the intruder.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Mikey yelled as he pinned Frank against the wall in the old dining room.
"I woke up, and you were gone, i was worried! Can you put me down now, please" Frank choked out.
Gerard walked down the stairs to find a furious Mikey, and a really short dude standing there holding his neck.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here" Gerard said with a smirk on his face. "Looks like Mikes finally found his inner strength" he chuckled.
"Its not funny Gerard, I almost killed him" Mikey said, only to receive a grunt from Frank.
"Trust me hun, you couldnt kill me if you tried" Frank snorted.
Frank left, with Mikey and Gerard following closely behind. Frank had gotten a good look at Gerard while the air in that room could have been sliced with a knife. There was just something about him, and he couldnt figure out waht it was.
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