Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Is The Red Of The Rose On Your Coffin Door

The Big Time Now

by Taelor_Iero 3 reviews

Gerard is turned, and wtf happened to my last chapter?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-03-16 - Updated: 2008-03-17 - 226 words

Frank woke the next morning to a whimpering Gerard. He was tired, and wanted to stay in bed, but his instincts tole him other.

"Hey Gee, calm down... Whats wrong?" Frank held him as he cried.

Gerard shook his head and was soon asleep again. Frank decided to stay with him, and was soon asleep aswell.

"Hey Iero? Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey" Mikey pulled the covers off Frank.

"I'll eggs and bakey you if you dont leave me alone fuck face" Frank pulled the covers over his head once more.

"Hey Frank, come on! I made breakfast" Gerard called from the kitchen.

Frank sauntered out of bed, only because he wanted to see Gee. He still had no idea what it was about the boy, well besides the fact that he was hard at the mere mention of the boy, he was clueless.

Gerard snuck up behind Frank while he was cleaning his plate after eating. He wrapped his arms around his waste and whispered lyrics of a song into his ear. Frank turned around and stared into Gee's eyes. Gerard leaned forward and the two boys kissed, their fangs clashing together. Their tongues wrestled for dominance in the small space created.

Blood ran down the chins of the two boys when Mikey walked in. He took one look at Gerard, frowned, and walked out.
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