Categories > Original > Drama > Green Grass& Music To My Ears.


by KissedByANerd 0 reviews

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Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-03-04 - Updated: 2008-03-05 - 652 words

Andrew picked me up in his Honda and drove me to the Rain Movie theater. We saw Singin in the rain. It was most excellent if you like movies where people burst into song and tap-dance. Which I do, though not as much as I like movies where people dont.
Afterward, we walked down one side of the Ave, which was filled with busy restraubts and boisterous college students, then back up the other side. The sun was hot on my back like it usually was in Fresno.
When I asked, Andrew talked about his family. He got a little touchy about it though. Notlike he was mad at me for asking, but like the whole thing just made him so angry that he hated to even have it mentioned.

"My dad went to prison for beating my mom and my sister, and my mom died because of it." He paused. "So it was just me and my sister. "She moved out before me because she was two years older, and so I had to move to my aunts house here because my grandparents are dead." I looked at the ground and sighed.
"Im sorry." He nodded. "Yeah, well things dont always go as planned." Abruptly he stopped walkin, I stoped a couple of steps ahead and turned back to wait for him. At first I thought he was going to kiss me but then a couple of college kids filed out of the bar next to us singing 'Hey Jude'. Andrew started walking again and began talking about frat rock as a genre. So I asked, who were the Knack and why they were called that? Because I've seen them on 'Behind the music.' Andrew just laughed and put his arm around me. We walked on the beach and ate Taco Bell.

On the wall in the restraunt there were flyers with the words 'Beach Bash' printed on it in bold letters. I picked one up and smiled. Andrew peared over my shoulder and began to read outloud.

"Get ready, Get set, Bash. You are invited to the Biggest Beach Bash in the history of Fresno California, Date, June 18th, Time :7pm -1 am. Be there." I folded the flyer up and sighed.

"We should go." He suggested taking a sip of his coke.
I shurgged. "Maybe, Jordan would like to go." He shook the styrophome cup and sighed. "Alright, i'll pick you up at 7 then." I smiled. "Alright."


"So your going?" Jordan asked at the dinner table that evening. I nodded. "With Andrew yeah." She smiled. "You really like him dont you?" I shrugged. "I guess, he is really easy to talk to, you know?" She nodded. "My little sister is in love, and im not." I rolled my eyes. "Im not in love...yet."

I ran upstairs and changed into my pajammas. I logged on to AIM.

AustinXMarvious- Hey, how was your date?
CowBellGreen- Good. He is really nice.
CowBellGreen- Are you going to Beach Bash tomorrow night?
AunstinXMarvious- I was thinking about it.
CowBellGreen- You should.
AustinXMarvious- I dont have a date.
CowBellGreen- Ohh. Well I bet you'll find someone.

Even though it pains me to do this I might as well.

CowBellGreen- How about Jordan?
AustinXMarvious- Jordan? Green? Your sister?
CowBellGreen- I bet she needs a date and you need one so why not?
AustinXMarvious- Alright. I'll call her.
CowBellGreen- Good. Im gonna go. See you tomorrow.

I crawled into my bed and closed my eyes. "Oh My Gosh!" Jordan screamed running into my room. "Callie! Wake up!" I groaned. "Austin asked me out!" I sat up. "Really?" She nodded. "Thats..great." She smiled.
"Now I can go with you to the Beach Bash!" She squealed and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight little sis!" She ran out of my room slamming the door. I pulled the cover up to my chin and tears ran down my cheeks.
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