Categories > Original > Drama > Green Grass& Music To My Ears.

Tonight Your Mine.

by KissedByANerd 0 reviews

Review. Banners!!!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-03-08 - Updated: 2008-03-09 - 1024 words

I opened my eyes against the sun streaming though my windows. It took a while for my eyes to adjust but once they did I stood up and walked down to the kitchen where my mom was perched on the counter eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. "Mom?" I ask grogily walked over to her. She peered up at me and pressed her lips together making one straight gray pencil thin line across her face. "Are you okay?"

She nodded and set the container on the counter. "I think we need to talk Callie." I stared at my mom's pale face. Normally she is tan and beautiful but today, not so beautiful. I followed her into the living room and sat on the couch.
"Callie. Your father and I have come to a decision." I didnt say anything.
"We are getting," Her voice trailed off.
"Getting what mom?"
She sighed putting her head in her hands.
"A divorce."
I put my hand over my mouth and bit my lip. "No, mom.." Tears fell from my blue eyes and my mom embraced me. I pushed her away and stood up.
"Callie, please.." I shook my head.
"Just, leave me a-alone." I ran upstairs taking two steps at a time and slammed my door shut. I fell onto my bed and sobbed. "Callie?"
My door opened and in came Jordan.
"Are you okay?" I looked up at her and she sat on the end of my bed. "What happened?" I wiped the tears off my face and grabbed her hand. She stared at me. "Dad is gone. For good." Jordan sucked in her breath and looked at the ground.

"Do you not care?"
She shook her head. "Callie, I care..I just dont know what to say." Speachless. "I have a few words to say to mom." Jordan smirked. "As do I but we cant blame it all on her." I nodded. "Dad had part in this too. Not only mom, your just choosing to think otherwise." I sat up and looked at the clock. 12:34pm.

I smiled at her. "Are you exicted?" She shrugged. "What about?" I sighed. "About Austin." She nodded. "I really like him Cow." She was starting to sound like Judy. "I know." She stood up and looked down at me. "Are you going to be okay?" I nodded. She walked out of my room and into hers next door to mine. I picked up my cell phone and dialed a number that was familar to me. "Hello?" I sighed choking back tears. "Judy? Can you come over?"

Judy appeared at my door less than three minutes after I called her. She layed by me on the floor and didnt say anything. Nothing was said. And yet, everything was understood.


7pm Monday. June, 18.

I net Andrew outside my house. I smoothed down my skirt and got in his honda. "Are you ready my lady?" He asked smiling. I nodded and he drove up to the beach. Streamers were hung from tree lims and strobe light were scaddered across the sand. The stars were out and it was beautiful. "Wow." Was all I could manage to say. Andrew put his hand on my back and led me to a table of guys.
"Boys," He started motioning to the guys at the table. "This is Callie. My friend." I smiled at them and scanned the horizon. No sign of Austin or Judy. " you go to?" I finally relized one of the guys was talking to me. "Excuse me?" He smiled. "I said what school do you go to?" I blushed. "Tate Prep." He nodded towards the guy next to him. "David is going to Tate University next year." David grinned and guestured a couple of girls over. I ignored them and sighed. "So your 17?" I nodded. He grinned. He has a lopsided smile. But it was cute. "Callie."
I turned around and smiled. "Hey Judy." I grabbed her hand and glanced at Austin and Jordan. "Judy, this is Connor." I said pointing to Connor. He smiled and Judy began talking to him. Big arms wrapped around my waist and warm breath blew on my neck. "You want to dance?" I smiled at Andrew and nodded. Austin stared at us and then averted his eyes. Andrew took my hand and led me out to the 'dance floor'. Which was only a platform with strobe lights tracing around the rim. The song switched and 'Chasing Cars'- By Snow Patrol came on. Andrew pulled me close to him and swayed back and forth. I couldnt help but watch the couple beside us dancing. They meshed. And I wished they didnt. Jrodans face was lit up by the moon. She was beautiful tonight. and I can tell you, I am jealous. Majorly jealous. The song ended and I looked up at Andrew. "Im going to go get some cake." He nodded and spotted a friend of his. I walked over to the table of food and picked up a peice of blue and green cake.

"Are you having fun?" I turned around and nodded at Austin. "Looks like you and Andrew are getting pretty close." I smirked. Was he jealous?
"Looks like you and Jordan are getting pretty cozy."
Austin sighed and looked at his feet.
"Austin.." He looked up at me. "Do you need to tell me anything?" He didnt say anything.
"Austin your my bestfriend, you can tell me anything and everything that is on our mind."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the shore line.
I stared up and him and he bit his lip. "You have no idea how bad I want to take your breath away."
Now I was the one speachless.
"Callie Green, I have loved you ever since the first day I laid eyes on your beautiful blue eyes."
He nodded and leaned in closer to me.
"I feel the same way."
He grinned and looked at me once more before brushing his lips with mine.
"Callie?" I pulled away from Austin and stared at Andrew. "How could you do this to me?"

To Be Continued...
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