Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Stuttering

"If you answer that. I swear to God. I'll bite it off."

by Syn_INC

"Hit me again and I'm pushing you down a flight of stairs." Gin threatened. "You would never..." "Wanna test me?" "Not really."

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-04-12 - Updated: 2008-04-13 - 1614 words - Complete

Stuttering 44
This mock look of satifaction came across Patrick's lips. I wanted to hate him a little bit. But then again you don't bite the hand that makes you cum.
I didn't understand how I managed to switch the control over to Patrick but I did. In the end I wanted to get laid, he was my dick and so I left it alone, he'd eventually come looking for me sooner then later.
My lips touched his again and as I kissed down his body and slipped his boxers off. I wrapped my lips around his cock and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. At this point of the night I knew Patrick was ready to cum a first time.
It was when his phone went off that he moved lightly. I crawled up his body and was nose to nose with him. A wicked smile graced my lips and I tilted my head ever so slightly.
"If you answer that. I swear to God. I'll bite it off." I said dangeriously.
Concidering the awesome position he was in, I don't think that was the first thought in his head. But I had to lay it on the table so he knew that I meant business.
Patrick came nice and fast. I then softly massaged his cock back to life. I was now ready for a Round 2 as was he.
My body met Patrick's for a 3rd time that night and I sat on his hard cock. I didn't think it was possible but he had gotten harder inside of me causing him to moan before bitting into my shoulder. After a few minutes he tensed up and he tried to pull out and I stopped.
"What is it Patrick?" I demanded.
"Shouldn't we..." Patrick trailed off.
My brain yelled 'Pregnant, pregnant' but my lips said something completely different.
"Birth Control." I said with a smile that wouldn't stay.
But Patrick didn't notice it concidering he was pounding in me. His thumbs made circles on my clit and I gripped on to the bars of my bed. I came with so much force and a scream that made him give himself a pat on the back.
Once Patrick came, I felt dirty and wanted him to leave. But too bad I also wanted to go at it again.
It must have been about 1012a when I woke up. I tossed in my bed and hit my knee against Patrick's thigh. I had totally forgotten about that and cringed as I crawled over his body.
His eyes were closed but his head popped up and he gave me a kiss on the lips and then put his head back down and went back to sleep. I then suddenly was caught in a fit of laughter and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and was dressed by 1035a.
"Where are you going?" Patrick asked.
"To work silly." I said pushing his hair aside and giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"You're not staying-"
"Why not?"
"Just becaue I'm pr- hurt my knee doesn't mean I have to stay here."
"But I'm here."
Patrick had this look of hurt on his face and I walked out the house.
I didn't have to be at work. In fact I had absolutly nothing to do today but I needed a way out and away from him. Patrick wouldn't go to my job anyways so it didn't matter, he's not like Joe.
I pulled into Joe's driveway and saw Ginny's car there. I then pushed the doorbell and Joe ran over to open it.
"What's going on lady?" Joe asked rubbing my belly, as his phone rang, "Gin's messing with my guitars."
I gave Joe a quick kiss on the cheek and ran upstairs. Ginny was on the floor in another room orgazing all his DVDs. She was pulling and sorting and I was trying to see if it was by Genre, actor or alphabetically order.
"Which OCD do you have today?" I asked laughing.
"I have 'Gin's hours have been cut at work because Joe's being a fucking douchebag while I'm at work and NOW his fans know where I work' type of OCD." Ginny grumbled.
"I'm sorrie?" I asked.
"Whatev dude." Gin responded back.
"By any means necessary." Joe said standing in the door frame.
Gin threw "The Lost Boys" at Joe and he ducked. He found this absolutly hilarious and walked away. Joe then walked back and hung up his iPhone.
"Ummm, if someone in this room is supposed to be at work I suggest they make their way there because someones ex will be here in like 15 mins."
"Wanna go to Ikea?" I asked.
"IKEA!" Gin yelled as she abadononed her endless organization of Joe's DVDs for a home storage place, with organizational factors.
The moment we pulled out of Joe's there was a bit of traffic. Gin was driving (as usual) my car and we pulled right next to Patrick who was going the opposite way. Gin continued to stare a hole through Patrick and I smacked her over and over.
"Patrick is not aware of his surroundings when he drives is he?" Gin asked still looing at Patrick.
"No. He's gotten so numb to people, you know fans looking at him, that he doesn't even feel eyes on him anymore. My eyes he feels, but no one elses."
"Good times..."
"Dude quit lookin'. I'm supposed to be at work."
Gin continued to look and I rolled my eyes.
"Hit me again and I'm pushing you down a flight of stairs." Gin threatened.
"You would never..."
"Wanna test me?"
"Not really."
"Good choice...what's he doing?"
Patrick was nodding his head back and forth while moving his fingers along the steering wheel. Gin continued to look and I then found myself staring at him too. This boy always with a beat in his head, I wonder when he gets a moments peace.
We didn't notice that the light had turned green until we both were being blown. Gin took off flying as Patrick was rudely pulled out his little world.
In the end Woodfield was our ultimate goal that wasn't planned on. Eventually we'll go to IKEA but right now I just wanted to walk around the mall.
"Hey! You'll never guess what I found under my bed like weeks ago." I said opening my bag and pulling out some cards.
"Hey! What did you find under your bed like weeks ago, Calista?" Gin asked in a bored tone looking around.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I've got this headache."
"Maybe its a tumor."
"It is not a tumor."
As we walked up and down this mall I was being recognize. This was kinda weird and I was looking at these kids. My thing was this, shouldn't you be in school?
Gin stood around with her hands in her pockets and watched me take pictures with my 'fans'? This was the oddest thing. To be pseudo-famous all because of who you date. But in the end I was very tickled.
Gin and I had suddenly stopped again when this adorable girl with a Clanstenine Hoodie walked over to me. She looked at Gin and spoke.
"I know you." She said with a smirk.
"No you don't." Gin responded.
"I do. You're the most hated person on Buzznet."
"High 5!" I stated as Gin and I did just that.
"You're not one of Joe's crazy people are you? Because ummm, yea." Gin asked.
"No. I just wanted to see if you're as horrible as Joe depicted you."
"So you guys are good? Because you're making out all over his page."
"We're fantastic."
This girl, who's name, we later learned was Hailey, was actually one of the few who didn't completely hate Gin. This we found awesome and she took a picture with us.
Patrick walked into Joe's place and Joe was lying on the couch sleeping. He smacked Joe on the mouth and Joe rolled off the couch and hit Patrick in the stomach.
This had suddenly become a thing. How it started they'd never know but it was fun.
Patrick popped in the chair and sighed.
"So where's Cali?" Joe asked.
"At work." Patrick groaned rubbing his belly.
"What happened?"
"She threw up on my shoe again"
"Really? And then?"
"I had sex with her."
"Really! So you guys getting back together?"
With this bit of news Joe hopped in the chair and bounced up and down.
"No bro. It was just sex." Patrick sighed.
"What now?" Joe pouted.
"I don't know...wanna go to the mall?"
"The mall? When was the last time we went to the mall?"
"Iono. Minnesota?"
Patrick and Joe went out the house and Joe made a few turns. Before he knew it they were face to face with 90/94. Joe hit the pedal and was soon flying down the expressway. It was when the road forked that they had a choice.
"Ok. Old Orchard or Woodfield?" Joe asked.
"Woodfield." Patrick stated.
"Great choice."
"No. Old Orchard."
"Its cold."
"Fine, Woodfield."
Joe pulled a hard left and they were finally on their way to their destination.
"How good was the sex?" Gin asked.
"I don't- it was better then I remember. I mean it was good." I sighed.
Gin and I walked through the catacombs that was Woodfield mall for about 2 hours. We ended up in the Build-A-Bear Workshop and Ginny was playing with the various animals.
Wooo sex for Patrick and Calista!
Also. We are curious.... what would you Name Patricks twins? Leave a comment let us know.
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