Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Doushite

Chapter 3

by MasterBakatare-san 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Sasuke - Published: 2008-04-13 - Updated: 2008-04-13 - 851 words

February 2008
Somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy
MB: Hi ^_^



Chapter 3

Training with Kagome
"Like this, 'Gome-chan?" A shot of wind whooshed though the training grounds.

"Good job, Sakura-san! Later I'll teach you how to apply it to different elements!" Kagome frowned, "Kami above! It's so stuffy in here!" The whole team was sweating. Although, their 'teacher' was hardly sweating even with her long sleeved cloak and layers of clothes.

She thrust her arms out to the sides and a gust of air opened the two doors transverse of each other. "Damn. I really miss air conditioners right now. Stupid well. Damned jewel..."

Sasuke looked at the woman questioningly. He didn't get her at all.


"Yes, Naru-kun?"

The boy blushed, "Do you wanna come with me after to get some ramen?"

Kagome smiled, "Of course, Naru-kun! I would love that!"

Sasuke growled. Sure, Naruto had already said that he was going to ask her, but he didn't think that she would say yes... Well, he had hoped anyway.

He watched with disdain as Kagome ruffled Naruto's hair, the latter grumbling in protest. "Kagome-sensei," he grunted, "shouldn't we be continuing our training instead of practicing?"

Sasuke gulped when he saw her body tense in irritation, reflexively placing his hand on his shuriken holder. "Although practicing is important," she turned her head toward him, her eyes flashing dangerously, "relax is just as important. Without a break every now and then, your body will shut down. And since we are taking a break, Uchiha, I would like to talk to you privately for a minute."

The black clad boy nodded in the affirmative before following her outside of the large dojo that made up the first floor of her mansion.

She stopped abruptly, swiftly turning on her heel, causing the young shinobi to almost run into her. He glared at her before turning his head away, "What do you want, onna."

Kagome sighed, shaking her head in irritation, "Dammit Uchiha! You really need to work on manners, they are truly atrocious."

Narrowing his eyes, he hissed, "Insulting me had better not be the only reason you called me over here! In fact, it probably would have been more humiliating if you had done it in front of everyone else. Bad planning on your part, I suppose." Grinning sadistically, he watched as her fists clenched and her aura flared.

"Look, brat, I only brought you here to see if you wanted me to do something about that damned curse mark on your neck," she gestured to the mark, although it was hardly visible as it was hidden by his hair, "but apparently, you're too damn caught up with your freaking giant ego to care!" She looked just as surprised with her outburst as he felt. Averting her gaze guiltily, they were both glad that she hadn't raised her voice above an angry hiss the whole time. "Sorry," she murmured, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly, "I'm not very easily angered, but when I get upset, I'm very... well, you saw me..." She shrugged her shoulders before immediately perking back up, "So! How about that curse mark. You want it off?"

He looked at her with a strange expression on his face, but slowly nodded his head. She pinched his cheek, at which he growled. "Don't touch me, abazureonna!"

"Uchiha," she stated, a dangerous look in her eye. "I suggest that you refer to me by my given name, or you will find that the ground will be your new best friend. Now, turn around and get back to training. I will meet up with you after I have dinner with Naruto-kun." The boy nodded stiffly, and did as she suggested.

Shaking her head, Kagome sighed, "By the gods! This is going to be a long stay."


MB: I AM BACK!! Mua ha ha ha ha! Sorry this chapter is so short, I haven't had a lot of time to write lately, I have just came back from my short hiatus and I had to rush. I wrote this in less than an hour.

MB: I would like to thank all of the WONDERFUL reviewers (ookamirider and ireina15963) who informed me about 'beta-ing.'

MB: Unfortunately, Hitsu-chan is busy, so I have to find someone (I actually already picked, as you will find out in a second) to 'beta' my works, so I would appreciate it if you would alert me if there are any imperfections. (WOAH! I kinda sounded like GeeksRULE for a second there.)

MB: Speaking of dear GeeksRULE, she has told me to alert the general public that she will apparently cancel her other account(s) and throw herself onto me. (a.k.a. make me let her co-author with me.)

MB: So, yeah... She will be my new (err... well, first really,) co-author, and from now on, and my beta!! ^_^ HOORAY!! ^_^

MB: So, I'll see you next week, along with GR, I guess!

P.S. Does anyone know how to delete an account? GR is having troubles (for and/or thanks! Bye!
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