Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem 2

Chapter 19: the Tri-Wizard Tournament

by selenepotter 0 reviews

A look at 21st century Beuxbattons

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2008-04-15 - Updated: 2008-04-15 - 2520 words - Complete

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 19: the Tri-Wizard Tournament

Professor Biko waved his wand and three pieces of paper floated out of the Goblet of Fire, one at a time. As Professor Biko caught each one, he read the name and announced who the champion from each school would be.

“The Champion from Durmstrang is: Loviatar Krentz!”

“The Champion form Beaxbattons is: Isabella Mugabe’!”

“And the Champion from Hogwarts is: Harriet Powell!”

Chapter 19: the Tri-Wizard Tournament

Harriet gazed at her the other Champions. Loviatar Krentz had mostly Lapp ancestry as shown by her Black hair and the shape of her face. But her Russian maternal grandfather had given her, her icy-blue eyes, just as her German paternal Great-grandfather had given her, a sir name. She wore a conservative black robe with a high neckline to cover her rather large breasts, granny boots, and a pointy hat.

Isabella Mugabe was mostly of Ethiopian descent and the shape of her face and light brown skin made her look like she’d stepped out of and ancient Egyptian temple. Her only clothing was a sarong tied around her hips, leaving her smallish breasts exposed for all to see. Harriett couldn’t imagine herself or her classmates wearing so little in public before they’d encountered the Devas. It seemed strange to see witches walking around nearly naked, but she supposed it made a bit of sense. After all, British Witches and Wizards dressed several centuries behind the times. It shouldn’t be too big a surprise that African Witches would be as backward as European ones. And even a century ago, there were still a few places in Africa where bare chests were normal for both genders. Harriet surmised that the influx of African refugees had affected the fashions of the romance countries. That would explain why even blonde-haired witches with no African descent more recent than the Ice Age had adopted the topless look.

“Come. We will ‘elp vou get settled,” said Isabella as she gestured to the other two girls. They followed her along with twenty other girls of the same age until they came to a courtyard. There were comfortable chairs and tables interspersed with raised beds in which trees grew that shaded the courtyard.

“Dis ez where we study,” explained Isabella. “As vou can see, we ‘ave covered walkway around the girl’s courtyard and doors leading to dorms. We ‘ave a room for each year. Boys are not allowed into the girl’s wing but the boys have a similar wing that the ‘bad’ girls sometimes visit.”

When Isabella led them into the 7th year girls room, she saw that it was a large room with twenty bed. Each bed was covered in mosquito netting to protect against the tropical diseases that had also moved north when the climate got warmer.

Harriet was soon informed that she would be port-keying daily so that she could still attend classes and fulfill her Head Girl duties at Hogwarts. But then, she would return to Beuxbattons to study, eat and sleep.

It was only a little surprise, when Scheherazade visited her in her bed that night. As the year progressed, Mysteria, Rama and Ravi also visited her at night. While Mike, would occasionally pull her into the gardens of Beuxbattons to rendezvous under the cover of the bushes.

By the time the first task arrived, Harriet had learned that all of the 6th and 7th year girls had married into a group that included three Devas of Weasley descent. The Tri-Wizard tournament would be more difficult than she expected.

On the day of the 1st task, Harriet, Loviatar and Isabella were escorted to the quiddich pitch. The stands were filled with spectators.

“HARRIET!” called her stepfather from the crowd.

Harriet looked and saw him sitting next to her mother and stepbrother in the stands. Harriet’s blush was visible for all to see as she had taken to wearing her bodyskin in the same style that the Beaxbattons girls did: barefoot and topless, clad only in a skirt.

As she gazed at the pitch, Harriet saw a roiling mass of movement in the air extending from ten feet above the ground to a mile in the air. This mass was made of every kind of flying magical creature she’d ever heard of, many she hadn’t.

A wizard in the robes of a quiddich referee, beckoned them forward to a spot in the center of the pitch.

“For the 1st Task, you will be required to catch a golden snitch,” began the referee, as he handed them each a broom. “To make things more fair. Your will each have the same model of broom. The magical creatures are to help make the Task more challenging. Ready, set, Go!”

When the referee released the snitch, it flew into the mass of flying creatures and was lost. All three of them mounted their brooms and kicked off into the air. She’d barely gotten into the air before Harriet had to dodge a blast from a Chinese Fireball dragon. Harriet climbed over the stream of dragon’s breath before diving to avoid the kick of a Pegasus.

In her peripheral vision, Harriet saw Isabella’s broom shattered by a Ki-rinn’s horn. But she only fell a short distance before transforming into a humming bird. Apparently, the Beuxbattons Champion was an animagis! Like the snitch, Harriet soon lost sight of Isabella’s humming bird form. A coatl snapped at her, as Harriet continued to search for the snitch.

Then she saw a Swedish Short-snout dragon bit Loviatar’s broom in half! The bite had given an upward momentum to her broom and the Durmstrang Champion used it to flip over and land on the dragons shoulders. After some erratic flying, Loviatar got the beast under control and used her steed to chase Harriet around the pitch.

A blast a fiery breath was not dodged well enough and the bristles of Harriet’s broom began burning. As tried to maneuver her broom into a landing and not a crash, she spied the snitch! Harriet plucked it out of the air as she passed it on her way down.

“Congratualations, Miss Powell,” said the referee. “Now let see those scores?”

Harriett got a 9, 9, and 1, plus 10 extra points for catching the snitch for a total of 29.
Isabella got a 5,5, and 1, for a total of 11
Loviatar got a 9,9 and 10 for a total of 28

The 2nd task turned out to be a race to a buoy and down its’ anchoring chain to the bottom of the ocean. Harriet made it first a she discovered that she could ‘fly’ through the water almost as if it were air. In fact she felt more confident about it than she had last summer when Rama had tried to teach her how to fly without a broom. She got there first. Isabella flew in her hummingbird form and swam down to the bottom. Loviatar waded out into the water and called a dolphin, which towed her out to the buoy and down to the bottom. She came in last. The scores were:

Harriet: 7, 7, 1, plus 10 extra points for being first for a total of 54.
Isabella got. 5, 5, 1, total: 22
Loviatar got 8, 8, 10 total 54.

Finally, the time came for the 3rd task. Harriet was led to a special section of the gardens that they had been kept out of all year. It was 6 kilometers by 6 kilometers for a total of 36 square kilometers. Harriet was alone with a female referee.

“Here are the rules,” announced the referee. “You will remove you clothes and leave your wand here. If you need a glamour charm to preserve your modesty, I can provide one.”

“That’s not necessary mamm,” replied Harriet. Over the course of the year, she’d spent a lot of time at the beach . . . and Beuxbattons student didn’t wear anything at the beach. She’d gotten used to being seen naked.

In the center of this section of the gardens is the legendary Elder Wand. If you get to it first, you are allowed to use it. You must remain in the game are for three days, If you still have possession of the Elder Wand when the time had expired, you may keep it. Because you and Miss Krentz are currently tied, you will have a head start over Miss Mugabe. You may now proceed.”

Harriet, was currently wearing her bodyskin as a skirt. She took it off and handed it and her wand to the referee before proceeding to the garden.

“Ow! Ow!” squeeled Harriet as she tried to step into the garden area. Razor-grass! Clearly, this Task would be a test of her herbalogy skills. Trying a again, Harriet stepped more slowly into the garden, taking care not to nick her naked body on the razor-sharp blades of two meter tall grass. The jungle was very dense. It took hours to get anywhere in the thick foliage that was often carnivorous or poisonous. Finally, she spotted it! The Elder wand was protruding from a stone stand. But Loviatar had gotten to it first! Harriet attempted the wandless summoning charm that Ravi had taught her last summer. As it flew into her hand, the Durmstrang Champion glared at her before regaining her composure.

“Vell, dee first round goes to you,” said Loviatar, before vanishing into the foliage.

Harriet had the Eldar wand! Now what?

She wandered around the jungle while mentally conversing with her spice.

Around sunset, she spotted Isabella. The Beaxbattons Champion had made herself a hut out of the plants of the jungle. She wore a simple skirt made from leaves. Before her was a pile of fruit she had gathered.

“Would vou care to share deenair with me?” invited Isabella.

“Why, thank you,” replied Harriet as she pulled out the Elder Wand and conjured them a table and a couple of chairs.

“I see vou are ahead in this contest,” observed Isabella as she handed a banana to Harriet.

After dinner, Harriet conjured a couple of beds for them in the hut. Harriet fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow. She was awoken by the sound of thunder as a trembling Isabella hopped into her bed. There was a big storm outside. Harriet stroked the girl’s hair as she tried to offer comfort and the lightning flashed. When the girls trembling started to subside, her hands began wandering. It thrilled her to feel the girl’s hand lightly brushing over the hairs of her pubic mound. Harriet pushed the hand away, it moved to cup her breast, lightly pinching a nipple between her thumb and fore finger. The moan Harriet had been holding back, escaped her lips.

(Don’t stop on my account) thought Mike as Harriet started to push the girls hand away again.

(I’m really hot for her, but I don’t want to enslave her like Ron Weasley did to girls,) thought Harriet.

(That is not a problem in this situation) thought Ravi. (Not only does she have a tattoo like yours, but it is not possible to activate your tattoos without heterosexual intercourse. This is why you haven’t activated you tattoo with Mysteria or Scheherazade.)

(I don’t mind either, It will just give Mike and I an excuse to hook up,) thought Scheherazade.

(As if any of us need an excuse,) thought Rama.

(Less Thought!) thought Mysteria as she planted her lips on Rama’s and reached to grab Ravi’s organ.

Harriet grabbed both Isabella’s hands and rolled her onto her back. Pinning the French girl’s hands above her head, Harriet kissed her hungrily.

The next day, Harriet conjured a robe for her self that was a tough as denim to protect her from the various dangerous jungle plants. She offered to do the same for Isabella, but she preferred her leaf skirt.

They wandered the jungle gathering fruit for their meals. That night, Isabella took the lead in their lovemaking.

The next morning Harriet awoke to find her self, alone in bed. Isabella had left and taken the Elder Wand with her! When Harriet sprinted out of the hut, she found that Isabella had taken the care to prepare a breakfast for her.

“ISABELLA!” yelled Harriet as she grabbed a mango and ran into the jungle to search for the thief.

After the several hours of searching, Harriet finally caught up with her quarry. The Beuxbattons girl was skilled at moving quickly through the dangerous plants without cutting herself. But she was no match for the special robe that Harriet had conjured for her self. When Isabella realized that Harriet was gaining on her she turned and pointed the Wand at her. Harriet tackled her in a flying leap as Isabella transfigured her special robe into a leaf skirt, like she was wearing.

“Ha!” proclaimed Harriet as she snatched the Elder Wand from Isabella’s hand and leapt to her feet.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling! It felt like an earthquake in the distance. The rumbling grew louder and closer until a snake, two feet in diameter poked it’s head out of the bushes ten feet in the air. The snake continued towards and pass them. Then the bushes parted to reveal that the snake like thing was the head and neck of a molike-mobimbe and Loviatar was riding on its’ back!

Harriet had just enough time to notice that Loviatar was wearing a bikini made out of leaves before the Durstrang girl snatched the Elder Wand out of her hand and rode off.

Harriet and Isabella both ran after her. But then the alarm went off. The 3rd task had ended.

Harriet: 5, 5, 1, total: 65
Isabella 10, 10, 1, total 33
Loviatar 10, 10, 10, total 84 she got the keep the Elder Wand had won the Tri-Wizard Tournament!

Many people grumbled afterwards. about the unfair scoring given by the Durmstrang Headmaster.

Several Years Later

Herringbone Hufflepuff had become a Harlot. By day, she was a respectable member of Deva society with only one husband, Redival Foley.

By night, she was a Priestess of the Temple of Female Sexuality, located in the undersea resort of Avalon. Her clients were the leading members of Wizarding society. Unknown to anyone, she had used her Deva tattoo to take over the Wizarding World behind the scenes.

Being a Harlot also gave her access the best library on sexual techniques in the world. She was running her hands over the spines of the books absorbing the knowledge in each one with several of them gave way at her touch. There was a “THUMP!” and she found her self, gazing into a hole in the wall. The books must have fallen in. Sticking her hand in the hole, she levitated them into her grasp. Instantly, she felt the sting of dark magic! Examining the books carefully, she found the darkness was emanating from a diary labled: “TMR”. It was a Horcrux! But Who’s? Herr opened the book and wrote:

“Who are you?”

The words faded away and were replaced by:

“I am Tom Riddle. Who are you?”
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