Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > What I knew, he was never to find out

Neanderthals and Sycophants

by Bara_btw 1 review

No school for 2 weeks!!! New chapter to commemorate it!!! Could life get better??? It will if you review!!!!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-04-18 - Updated: 2008-04-18 - 1101 words

K, now we are actually going to get somewhere. Aren’t you excited? I would be too if you reviewed my story!

P.S. So much love to RyanRossLuver for the review!!! Seriously helpful!!!

I woke up and read the digital clock beside the bed. It read 3:08am and I knew I should really start getting home. I swung my legs over and sat at the edge of the bed. I looked behind me and saw Michael’s silhouette moving up and down with his every breath. I turned back to the floor and began to look for my clothes. My jeans and shirt were easy enough, but I couldn’t find my boxers. After almost ten minutes of searching, I found them hanging on the side of the dresser. I pulled all my clothes on and sat on the edge of the bed to put my shoes back on. As I was tying the laces on my chucks, I felt the bed move and Michael’s breath on the back of my neck. He lightly put his hands on my upper arms and brought his mouth close to my ear.
“Do you really have to go?” he asked in a gentle whisper

“Yes, I actually have to go home and get some real sleep,” I replied in a hushed whisper. I finished the double-knot on my shoe and stood up. As I began to walk away from the bed, he grabbed my hand and I spun back round.

“Say you’ll stay with me.”

“Michael,” I said, “you know I have to go.”

“No, I mean stay with me, like this. Like what we are. I would do anything for you. You just have to ask.” I pulled my hand away and brought it up to my face. I stroked my chin as I began to think.

He shot a worried look towards me and squeezed my hand even tighter.
“Anything, I promise.”

“Fine. You say anything. Well I say that you have to make me popular.” He looked at me like I was crazy and without waiting for him to reply, I kissed him swiftly on the cheek and walked out of his house.

Next day at school:
As Ryan and I walked down the hall and he began talking, I started spacing out. I looked over at Ryan and nodded. He was my best friend, but he could get so obsessed about the weirdest stuff. As we walked into the cafeteria, Michael walked over to us.

“Hey guys. Brendon, um I was wondering if you wanted to sit with our group today. We thought it might be fun.” He looked at me expectantly, completely oblivious to the stunned look on Ryan’s face.

“Sorry Michael, but Brendon doesn’t sit with jerks or posers and sadly, you’re both,” Ryan snapped at Michael. Michael quickly glanced at him and then looked straight back at me. My eyes were darting from Michael and Ryan and it was as if I was choosing between them.

“Ryan, I eat lunch with you every lunchtime. If I sit with Michael today, it’s no big deal. I’ll still see you later in class.” I walked away from Ryan’s gaping mouth and followed Michael back to his table. Everyone there was a jock or a cheerleader and I wondered if I was going to fit in.

Ryan’s POV

I can’t even believe my eyes right now. My best
Friend, Brendon Urie, is sitting at the popular table. I hate everyone at that popular table, even when B and I were just kids and they called us weird. Well…more him

1st day of 8th Grade, lunchtime:

“Oh look, it’s the freak! What are you gonna do today, freak? Do something freaky?” I looked over as I heard this and saw Brendon’s head drop as three neanderthal jocks surrounded him. He looked like a small squirrel, with those brown eyes and that long brown hair. I didn’t understand how they could be so mean to something so innocent.

“Oy get away from him you thugs!” I ran over and they now surrounded me.

“Awwww look, it’s his boyfriend, come to defend him. Let’s beat him up instead!” The three boys surrounded me and I realized that I had nothing left to lose.

“Well I’d rather be gay, which I’m not, then an idiotic, homophobe jock!” As soon as the insult left the confines of my mouth, I knew I would get the beating of a lifetime.

After an hour, I woke up in the sick bay (A/N: What is this in American speak?) and looked around. Just then, Brendon walked in with a glass of water and 2 painkillers.

“Hey, I didn’t think you’d come round for hours, Ry. Here, these are for you.” He handed me the painkillers and water and then proceeded to sit on the end of the bed and watch me wash down the two small pills.

“Soo… what happened”

“Weeellllll…. the guys all started punching you and then you collapsed and they were about to kick you in the ribs when like 5 teachers ran out of the building to where you were lying on the ground. They’re at the headmaster’s office now.” As he said this, a small smile began to form on his face.

“Fantastic,” I replied, “I should get the shit kicked out of me more often! We might be able to get them expelled!”

Brendon just looked at me with his huge brown eyes. “Thanks Ry, for standing up for me. I always knew you were braver than me, and this just proves it.”

“Brendon, you are my best friend, and this is what best friends do for each other.” He smiled and hugged me, and I hugged him back. My dad was pretty pissed about it when I got home but I didn’t care. The scars I bore showed I was a true friend.

_______END FLASHBACK_______________

Now I saw him sitting at the table with all those sycophants. I couldn’t believe him, laughing it up with the jocks and the cheerleaders at the popular table. I turned away from him. I didn’t want to see his face. Brendon Boyd Urie could kiss my ass.


This chapter has annoyed me for days (mostly ending) and it ended up being like 2 and a half pages long but I didn’t want to split it. PLEASE REVIEW!!!! (It makes me WANT to write)

Luv Ali xox
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