Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Heart Never Lies

I want you and your beautiful soul...

by mychemicalromance 9 reviews

He wanted her not for what was on the outside, he wanted her and her beautiful soul...Her caring, sweet, charismatic, gentle and beautiful soul.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-05-21 - Updated: 2008-05-21 - 2805 words

Chapter 3- “I want you and your beautiful soul...”
They walked to Starbucks and got two frappucinos and started to walk back to the car, they passed a dark alley and heard a sound.

With Frank and Blair...

“What was that?” Blair asked Frank, looking around.
“I don’t sounds like it came from the alley...” Frank replied, pointing to the dark alley.
Blair slowly walked into the dark alley, followed by Frank. They heard the wail again, this time louder and coming from a box, near the dumpster.
“You know kinda sounds like a baby...” Blair said.
“Yeah it does...”
Frank then kneeled in front of the small box and slowly opened the box.
“OMFG!?” Blair gasped, cause there inside the box were two babies, twins to be exact, who cooed and gurgled at them.
“Who the hell leaves babies in an alley!? What kind of sick person would do that!?” Frank violently whispered to Blair.
Blair kneeled beside Frank and scooped up the babies from the box and cradled them both.
“What do you think we should do? We can’t just leave them here...” Blair asked.
“How about we take care of them first, like get them cleaned up and stuff then we figure out what to do after, but one thing’s for sure, I will not let whoever who put them here get them back...” Frank replied.
“Sounds like a plan to me...Let’s go...”
They both stood and headed to the car, Blair was still cradling the babies and couldn’t help playing with them, and she cooed at them and made faces. Frank was stealing glances at Blair and the babies; she looked so cute, playing with the babies, making goofy faces to make the babies laugh. He opened the car door for her and then proceeded to drive home. While in the car, she continued to play with the babies, letting them hold her fingers.
At the Way residence...

“Hey Gee, is Mom still out?” Blair asked, darting to the kitchen, so her brother wouldn’t see what she brought home.
“Uh yeah...why?” Gee looked behind him but didn’t see his sister, but it sounded like she was in the kitchen.
“I was going to call her to pick up some milk and diapers on the way...” Blair said, a little too fast.
“What? Diapers and milk? What the hell are those things for? We don’t have a baby...” Gee replied, flabbergasted.
“Uh well, we don’t have a baby, we have babies...” Blair replied, coming out of the kitchen, holding out the gurgling babies.
“What the!? Blair Gabrielle Way!? What did you do now! Babies!?” Gee stood up and walked to his sister.
“Um... why don’t I let Frankie explain?” Blair pointed to Frank.
“Well Gee, we found the twins in a dark alley in a box beside the dumpster and we couldn’t just leave them there so we decided to bring them home, get them fed and everything then we’ll decide what to do with them...” Frank answered.
“Well...I guess its okay then...besides, they do look cute...” Gee replied, taking the babies from his sister and touching his nose with the babies’.
“Oh my! That’s so sad...who will leave babies in an alley! It’s a good thing you guys found them...” Alicia spoke up, standing up beside Gee, followed by Mikey.
“Yeah...poor things...” Mikey answered.
“So technically since you guys found them, you guys are their “parents” right?” Bob asked, grinning.
“Huh? Eh...I mean...” Blair babbled, blushing at the thought of Frank and her being married and being parents.
“Anyways! Have you decided what to call her? I mean we all just can’t refer to them as ‘them’, ‘their’, ‘it’, well you get my point...” Alicia asked.
“Oh yeah...a name, I dunno, I’m sure I’ll think of something...” Blair replied.
“How about Ray?” Ray asked.
“ way am I naming them after you!” Blair exclaimed.
“How about Roberta? And the boy will be Robert...” Bob asked.
“We are NOT naming it Roberta, Robert or whatever, Bob...” Frank replied.
“Michael and Michaela?” Mikey asked, hoping that his name will get picked.
“No Mikey...”
“How about naming the boy Gerard and the girl...well, I dunno, Gerardia?” Gee asked, smiling at the babies.
“What the hell? I will NOT name it Gerard or worse, Gerardia...” Blair was exasperated.
“I know!” Alicia screamed.
“Yes Ali?” Blair turned to her best friend.
“The perfect name for the baby is...Alicia!!! And just name the boy I dunno...Mikey?” Alicia happily exclaimed.
“Ugh...why does everyone want the babies to be named after them!?” Blair screamed.
“Uh I dunno...its flattering though...” Gee replied.
“You know what guys, me and Frankie here are going to think of a name and again, NO, I will NOT name them after any of you, especially Ray, that’s just...wrong...”
“Aww...Ray would have been so cute...” Ray whined.
“Whatever Ray, anyways can you guys hold them for a while? I have to call ma...” Blair said, and walked into the kitchen to get the phone.
“Hey ma...”
“Yes, dear?”
“Can you pick up some diapers and milk on the way, and maybe a few bottles and stuff...”
“Why the hell would we need those?”
“Cause me and Frankie found twins in some alley near the dumpster and well, we couldn’t just leave them there, ma...”
“Okaay...well, I was asking for grandbabies...guess this will do for the meantime, anyways, you said twins?”
“Yeah...a boy and a girl...”
“Oh...okay, anyways, you can get some baby stuff in the basement, it’s in the box labelled ‘Baby Stuff’, there’s blankets, sleepers and I think I have a cradle there too and a baby can use those things for the meanwhile and we can just get some new stuff tomorrow...”
“Oh...okay, thanks Ma!”
“Love you dear, and say Hi to my grandbabies for their grandmamma!”
“Ma...they’re not your grandbabies, they’re not even my kids...”
“Oh nonsense! They’re officially part of the family now...”
“But Ma...”
“No buts young lady, now I have to go, gotta get those things you asked me to get, bye dear...”
“Love you too ma...” Blair got off the phone and went into the living room.
“Can anyone of you go down to the basement with me? I gotta get those stuff for the babies...”
“I’ll go...”

In the Basement...
“Let’s see...Baby stuff...oh here we are!” Blair reached for the box, and opened it. There were sleepers, fleece blankets and even a moses basket and a bassinet. There was also that cradle that her mom said, but it was a tad too small for twins, but that’ll do for the night, since she and the girls will be buying stuff tomorrow.
“Hey Frankie, could you carry these up for me? I’ll bring the blankets and sleepers to washing machine for a quick wash...”
“Oh and Frankie?”
“Are you free tomorrow? I was just wondering if you could go with me and the girls to go baby shopping...for the babies...” Blair fidgeted, a small blush creeping up her pale cheeks.
“Yeah, I’d love to go...”
“Thanks again...”
They went back up and Blair and Frank went into the washing room and placed all the fabrics in the machine. After the quick wash, Blair placed the fabrics into the dryer for a quick dry, and then she got them out and folded them and placed them in the basket.
They then went back to the living room to see Mrs. Way holding the twins.
“Ma! You’re home already! And I see you’ve met the twins...” Blair said, holding the baby basket.
“Oh darling! They are so adorable! Have you decided what to call my grandbabies? Maybe you can call this little baby girl here Donna?” Donna was beaming, cuddling the twins who gurgled at their “grandmother”.
“Not you too...and Ma, they’re not your grandbabies and no I will not call her Donna, ma...Give me and Frankie time to pick their names...anyways! Have you got the stuff ma? I have to feed them already...” Blair sighed.
“Oh fine...and yes, I got them, they’re in the kitchen sweetheart...”
“Okay ma...” Blair went into the kitchen and made two bottles of milk and brought it back to the living room to give to the twins. She then took the babies from her mom and gave the other one to Frank.
“You wouldn’t mind feeding them right?”
“Not at all...” Frank then sat beside Blair on the couch and held the baby girl and fed her the bottle.
Blair held the baby boy and did the same, the twins were hungry and finished their bottles in a short time.
“Hey Ali...can you help me wash them? I have their diapers and clothes here...”
“Sure thing Blair...”
In Blair’s bathroom...

Blair held the baby girl and Alicia held the baby boy, they were kneeling beside the tub, washing the babies with washcloths and rinsing them off in the tub.
“Aww...they’re so cute...and you and Frank make cute parents...” Alicia smiled.
“We do?” Blair blushed, soaping the baby.
“Hell yeah you do...” Alicia was drying off the baby, as Blair rinsed the baby girl.
“Alicia, would you like to go with me, Mom and Frankie to shop for baby stuff? And Krista too...”
The girls then went into the room to put some fresh diapers on the babies and clothe them. After which, Blair set up the cradle beside her queen size bed, she then tucked the twins in, kissing them both on their foreheads.
“Goodnight little dears...sleep tight...” She softly whispered and the twins slowly closed their eyes and fell asleep.
“You know would really make a good mother you know...”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, you’re a natural at it, seeing the way you tucked the twins in bed and playing with them...”
“Thanks Ali...”
Blair and Alicia left the room and went downstairs to the living room where the guys were again, watching a horror movie. Alicia sat beside Mikey and Blair had to sit on the only available seat, beside Frank. After the movie, Blair had already fallen asleep and she was leaning her head on his shoulder, reminding Frank of the plane incident earlier. “Hey Frank, mind carrying Blair to her room? I have to carry Ali...” Mikey asked Frankie, scooping up the sleeping Alicia and going up to Blair’s bedroom, Alicia was staying with Blair in her room.
“Nope...” Frank then softly slid his hands under her knees and her back and gently lifted her off the couch, carrying her bridal style, he stared at her, and she was so peaceful while sleeping. He then followed Mikey up to Blair’s room and placed her gently on the bed beside Alicia. He then noticed the cradle that was set up beside her bed, and he peeked at the twins who were slumbering, they looked so cute snuggling up to each other.
“Goodnight little guys...” He then leaned and kissed them both on the forehead.
“And goodnight to you too, my princess...” Frank then kissed Blair on the forehead and pulling up her covers and covered her. He then silently walked out the door and closed it.

The next morning, in the Way’s kitchen...

“Morning everybody...” Blair yawned, coming down from the stairs, holding two bouncing babies, who were obviously having a good morning.
“Morning princess, the babies seem to have had a good night’s rest...” Gee greeted his sister and the twins.
“Well yeah, they woke up crying at 2 am and I figured they were hungry so I went down and made them bottles and Alicia here wouldn’t wake up and help me so I had to feed them both and after they still wouldn’t go to bed so I had to rock them and sing to them until they fell asleep which wasn’t until half an hour later...” Blair groaned, handing one of the twins to Gerard.
“Aww...princess is tired and let me take this little princess from you...” He then held his arms open for the baby that was being handed to him.
“I see you and my little grandbabies are awake...” Donna smiled, holding a pitcher of orange juice and a plate of eggs and placed them on the table.
“Morning mom...”
“Oh right, I got the twins some baby food, you can go get them in the cupboard, honey...”
“Okay ma...” Blair then went and opened the cupboard, with a baby in her other hand and grabbed the baby food and some plastic bowls and poured a bit into them.
“ little nephew is adorable...” Mikey suddenly appeared and took the baby from Blair.
“What? He’s just too cute...look at him with his cute little pout...” Mikey fawned over the baby boy, bouncing him on his knee, eliciting a small giggle from the baby.
Blair sat down and took the babies from Mikey and Gee and handed one to her mother. She then proceeded to feed the babies, she was making goofy faces to encourage the baby to eat.
“Yum yum...Here’s the train...choo-choo...” She moved the spoon up and down and fed the baby who was gurgling with food dripping down her mouth, which Blair wiped off. After feeding the twins, she placed them in the bassinet she placed in the living room and went back to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. After she proceeded to pick up the twins from the living room and changed their diapers and changed their clothes. She decided to get ready for their shopping trip today and asked Frankie to watch the babies.
“Can you please watch them for me? I have to go get ready...and if they start crying, their bottles are in the kitchen counter so yeah...”
“Thanks!” Blair ran up to Frank and pecked him on the cheek and ran up to her bedroom.
Frank stared at where she stood before running off; he felt his cheek burning up, a blush creeping. She was so beautiful and so caring like a real mother, and she was adorable with the twins like how a real mom would take care of them. He realized that he didn’t really care if there were a million other girls he could replace her with...she was different, unique, special...he wanted her not for what was on the outside, he wanted her and her beautiful soul...Her caring, sweet, charismatic, gentle and beautiful soul.
a/n-sorry to leave you here guys...i’m evil aren’t i? But trust me, this cliffie is IMPORTANT!!!! The reason for this cliffie is that I’m having another poll!!!! So I hope that you guys will really VOTE this time!!!!!! Anyways, here’s the question...
Got a bunch of names here and I need you guys to help me pick, for what you ask, for the babies!!! Duh...anyways here are the choices...
a. Helena Isabella
b. Violet Hayden

a. Edward Anthony
b. Ethan Parker

SORRY for the crappy names but they’re all I could think of especially when its 12:35 in the damn morning...but please, PLEASE vote or SUGGEST a name, c’mon, you don’t want the poor things to go by nameless...tsk PLEASE VOTE and also REVIEW and tell me what you think!!!
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