Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > How Stupid can People be?

Chapter 3 - Eight Idiots

by Dragon_of_Twilight 0 reviews

Eight Idiots? All in one team? There's bouind to be chaos.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Published: 2008-06-03 - Updated: 2008-06-04 - 1470 words

Chapter 3: Eight Idiots

Wizards ABC were trapped in a tornado, now hovering above the water's edge. They were all screaming, at how DarkFire, a strange girl, and Min could almost drown six Wizards.

DarkFire called down from the top of the tornado she created. "Hey, accept it! You are stupid!"

Min dashed after the tornado, and continuously fired arrows into the tornado. As the targets were continuously moving, Min kept on missing the Wizards by a few centimetres. Twilight used her psychic abilities to hover after the tornado. She controlled Min's arrows, making them home into the very, very idiotic Wizards who were lacking general, basic knowledge. They were also lacking common sense greatly. DarkFire, Twilight and Min laughed at Wizards ABC out loud. Wizards ABC all turned red in the face.

"We hate you all!!! We hate the cruel world!!!" shouted Wizards ABC.

"Really?" asked DarkFire, from high above. "If you really do, then kill each other!"

Wizards ABC started at each other. They all met in the centre of the tornado, by coincidence. They all started slapping each other rapidly. Twilight and Min saw a flurry of hands, along with hearing occasional screams.

"We're nearly there!" shouted DarkFire. "Just a few more seconds"

Twilight laughed. "You do realise that you are above the water..."

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Thanks, Twilight... oh wait, Twilight is me... Stupid me...

Twilight rolls her eyes. "Well, I happened to realise that the water was there."

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: It was you, not me...

"Well, I am you..."

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: I can't believe I am arguing with myself...

DarkFire looked below. She was sucking up some water, from the sea, and it was slowly rising up to her. Wizards ABC were all covered with water. DarkFire's fire, in the tornado, was creating steam, scalding Wizards ABC. DarkFire then stopped flying, and the water with the Wizards dropped into the sea. They landed with a loud splash, sending water high up into the air. DarkFire was too high up in the air to be hit by the splash. Min and Twilight, at the water's edge, looked, pointed, and laughed at Wizards ABC, Vincent, Patrick, and Tim, plus LightClaw and Jarjarers. They were all in the ocean, and all drowning. Eight idiots, all drowning.

Twilight, DarkFire and Min roared with laughter, and pointed at the ocean. It was surprising they weren't waking anyone in the neighbourhood.

Twilight was struck with an idea. "Well, DarkFire, do you know any other friends? You might want to show a recording of this to them. That would be entertaining, with the exception of the idiots here, which might come and attack us. But their stupidity should keep them at bay for a long, long time... let's say... for at least a hundred years..."

The trio laughed harder, not that they normally could. Gee, remember, ~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~, in other words, me, is telling the story, and therefore always breaking the 4th wall in the process. In other words, I will break the 4th wall, as long I write my fics. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Twilight, DarkFire and Min looked to Twilight. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET ON WITH THE FIC!!!"

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Aaah, the good bit about having a fan-character representation of you. The fan-character gets all the blame for everything that goes wrong...

Then, someone in the neighbourhood woke up. "What the heck is this racket happening at this time of the night?" shouted a female voice, coming from a window from the alleyway."

Twilight ran into the dark alleyway again, to see a fully black vulture looking out of it. She was wearing a black shirt, with a print of a white dagger, and blood dripping of the dagger, in the picture. She had blood-red eyes, and a golden cross, on a golden chain. Some of her feathers, a small portion of scattered feathers, were red and dark purple. She was clearly gothic.

The vulture looked back at Twilight. "Okay, sorry for shouting at you," She said, in a slightly cold voice. "Do you remember me? I'm Myrtle, one of your school friends. Do you remember me?"

Twilight nodded. "Long time, no see!"

Myrtle shook her head. "I saw you only yesterday."

Twilight shook her head this time. "Were you just looking at the school photos at the school office? Maybe that will explain something..."

DarkFire and Min were still laughing at the Eight Idiots, but were wondering what was happening with Twilight and the seemingly evil vulture.

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Gosh, that's a bit hard, but what the heck, I am the writer, I control what happens... HA!!

Twilight looked around the alleyway, looking at the trash pile she made DarkFire fly into. Among it, she saw a seemingly new whiteboard. "Hey, DarkFire, Min, come over here! Don't worry about the vulture. She is a friend of mine."

DarkFire and Min, still laughing their heads off, running to Twilight---

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: No, not literally, it would be funny if they were... I have another idea!!!

DarkFire and Min's heads popped off with a pop. Myrtle and Twilight heard the unusually loud pop of a pop. DarkFire's and Min's heads were literally rolling further into the alleyway, and vanished. Their bodies were standing there, unharmed, except for the fact they were decapitated.

Twilight and Myrtle laughed. Myrtle laughed harder than Twilight.

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: SADIST!!! Oh wait, that was CC's line... Stuff that...

Twilight looked at the whiteboard. She was covering it, from where she was standing, from the view of Myrtle. She stepped aside. Like me, the mentally deformed and insane person with Paranoia, She pointed at it. She shouted: "Look, Myrtle! A whiteboard!"

Myrtle stopped laughing. She was confused. "What?" she said, looking very puzzled."

Twilight laughed. "Well, look where I'm pointing. There's a whiteboard there."

Myrtle was looking strangely. "What? Oh, I get it," she added, finally realising the whiteboard. "There's a whiteboard there!"

Twilight, DarkFire and Min pointed and laughed. Myrtle joined in. Twilight realised the whiteboard was glowing slightly. "WOW THIS WHITEBOARD IS ENCHANTED!!! SHRINK, YOU WHITEBOARD!!!"

And the whiteboard obeyed. It shrunk to the size of Twilight's palm, and floated there. She pocketed it. "This will be helpful... somehow... somewhere... But for now!!! LET'S GO TO Kingsgrove-Caringbah High School!!!"

Myrtle nodded. "Okay, I already go there. I know the location of the place..."

The sun was rising. You all know what the rising sun looks like. Duh. No description needed.

Twilight closed her eyes for a second, and turned into a large blue dragon. "Okay, this alleyway is too small for me. I feel obese. HELP ME OUTTA HERE!!! "

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: When you are a human, walk out of the alleyway. Then turn into a dragon.

Twilight did so. "Curse my stupid self..."

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Okay! Curses Twilight

Twilight bleeds from the head. "I bleed it out, digging deeper jut to throw it away,"

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Oh wait, Twilight IS me!

I bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it away,

Just to throw it away, just to throw it away

Twilight started singing again. "I bleed it out,"

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: I've opened up these scars---

Myrtle seemed to be creeped out. "Aaaaaaah!!! Some of my friends turned into Chester and Mike from Linkin Park!!!

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: No, you do realise were just miming. Twilight was operating the DJ's corpse there.

Myrtle stopped screaming. "Okay, to the school we go!!!"

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Okay, this bit is boring. Skip this, and we are at Kingsgrove-Caringbah High School!!! As quoted from A Dark past:

DarkFire realised she was standing behind, at the large, welcoming school gates. She looked at the large number of students - perhaps four hundred where she could see. She saw a sign which said: Kingsgrove-Caringbah High School - Main Campus. She looked further. She saw a large building there, as far as she could see. She looked to the right, and saw that the building continued, at a right angle. She then looked down slightly, and saw she was standing outside the canteen. "Wow, nothing has changed since I have first came to the school!"

~.:The Dragon of Twilight:.~: Yes, I know. I read your mind. Actually, I am the writer, I am supposed to know.

Myrtle groaned. "Whatever... Twilight, do you remember how I am..." She whispered in Twilight's ear, in a voice not audible, except to Twilight.

Twilight nodded. "I really hope that will not cause any problems."

The Morals: Quality is more important than quantity. Eight idiots were not enough to stop three who were actually intellectually capable. No offence to myself, of course.

Self harm, especially 'accidental' self harm, is not very good for you.
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