- Member Since: 2012-06-30
- Real name: Anna & Casey
- Bio:
Oh hai there! This is a JOINT account between me, Anna, and Casey. We've decided to roleplay fanfic and then upload it on here. We'll be writing a lot of LEMONY Frerard, so you've been warned. DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ, YOU MOFOS.
Peace Love and Buttshecks.
HEY PEOPLE OF LE INTERWEBS! This is the hyper and sleep deprived Casey. I'm tired as hell, so what do I do? I decide to post on this profile. Yep, good judgement Casey. I mean going to sleep is a RIDICULOUS idea, isn't it? ANYWHORE. I am a Frerard freak, and this is le joint account between me and Anna (as previously stated by said Anna, so why am I saying it again? CAUSE I WANT TO SO THERE!). Prepare for the yumminess that is Frerard smut and maybe even fluff. WHO KNOWS! Now, I'm gonna go before I embarrass myself further. TOODLES!
xoxoCasey ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Individual Accounts: (Casey) "bvbrocks" http://www.ficwad.com/author/130749
(Anna) "Jinxx_Grenade" http://www.ficwad.com/author/146093
Likes nobody. Total misanthrope.