Oh hai there! This is a JOINT account between me, Anna, and Casey. We've decided to roleplay fanfic and then upload it on here. We'll be writing a lot of LEMONY Frerard, so you've been warned. DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ, YOU MOFOS.
Peace Love and Buttshecks.
~Anna~ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HEY PEOPLE OF LE INTERWEBS! This is the hyper and sleep deprived Casey. I'm tired as hell, so what do I do? I decide to post on this profile. Yep, good judgement Casey. I mean going to sleep is a RIDICULOUS idea, isn't it? ANYWHORE. I am a Frerard freak, and this is le joint account between me and Anna (as previously stated by said Anna, so why am I saying it again? CAUSE I WANT TO SO THERE!). Prepare for the yumminess that is Frerard smut and maybe even fluff. WHO KNOWS! Now, I'm gonna go before I embarrass myself further. TOODLES!
xoxoCasey ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Individual Accounts: (Casey) "bvbrocks" http://www.ficwad.com/author/130749
(Anna) "Jinxx_Grenade" http://www.ficwad.com/author/146093
Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Published: 2007-03-30 - Updated: 2007-03-31 - 1102 words - Complete