Bio:Greetings other ficwadians does one hand wave of awkwardness
my name is Rosie (I hate that name), I'm 15, from the north of england (little geordie person yippee) here are some things about me:
1. I'm a total nerd (and loving it)
2. diss MCR and I will rip out your jugular and eat it for sustanance (I can't even type that without a serious face and if you know the reference you are coolios)
3. MCR, green day, BVB, FOB, BFS, P!ATD, TU, ATL, 30STM, evanescence and FIR are as I say awesome sauce biatch :D
4. as you may have figured out I'm a total psychopath
5. I'm short (5'2, hey I'm travel size)
6. I LIKE TRAINS!!!!!! (see told you I was crazy)
7. even if I'm geordie, no accent so I sound like a posh person when I'm not (and no not all newcastle is like geordie shore just approximately 60-70% of it)
well that's me in a few words, well best be going I've got other shit to do, see you later :)