- Member Since: 2008-07-14
- AIM: evilreddragon87
Hiya folks.
Well, let's get the important stuff out of the way first eh? For purposes of sex scenes, I draw a hard and fast limit at age 15. You won't find a story posted by me featuring young...
I am an avid Harry/Hermione fan and ~Harry Potter: The Silent Halls of Hogwarts~ is my first venture into writing fanfiction. (I'm abbreviating it as SHOH) It is an AU story that looks at what migh...
"My" website is my ffdotnet profile where my two fics are located. I may post them here eventually.
One pathetically piss-poor author with a Bachelor's degree in Norse mythology. Part of the point of this fic is an attempt to explain my thesis in a way that makes sense. I'm mostly trying to make ...
Thirtyish graduate student, musician, and fan. Dweller in the Federal Republic of Confusion. Hater of badfic. OBHWF shipper for a given value of OBHWF, that value being some variant on Harry/Gin...