Storia scritta per il primo giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 2. Bonds Dal testo: " Per Iruka il sentire caldo o freddo, non era solo una questione di temperatura, Iruka ricavava calore da...
Story written for the first day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 1. Overworked & Sleep Deprived From the text: " He had always had a conflicted relationship with his scar. He didn't make it an aest...
Storia scritta per il primo giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 1. Scars Dal testo: " Aveva sempre avuto un rapporto conflittuale con la sua cicatrice. Non ne faceva un problema estetico, q...
Story written for the first day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 1. Overworked & Sleep Deprived From the text: "Ruka ... Please, come to sleep!" It was already the second time he had come to call h...
Storia scritta per il primo giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 1. Overworked & Sleep Deprived Dal testo: "Ruka... Per favore, vieni a dormire!" Era già la seconda volta che veniva a chiama...
She never stood out. Always forgotten. Never acknowledged. She was always just there. The one thing that she had was her compassion, but is that enough to leave an impact on the world?
Story written for the third day of KakaIru Valentines Week 2021. Day 3. Secret Admirer From the text: It was one of the post-its he usually used to write down his to-dos. But there wasn't one of...
Storia scritta per il terzo giorno della KakaIru Valentines Week 2021. Day 3. Secret Admirer Dal testo: Era uno dei post-it che di solito utilizzava per appuntarsi le cose da fare. Però su quel...
Story written for the second day of KakaIru Valentines Week 2021. Day 2. Soulmates From the text: "Iruka and Kakashi still didn't know who their soul mate was and they weren't even sure if...
naruto is banished from the elemental nations and comes to remnant follow him on his journey in a new world as he adjusts to what his now and certain Uchiha follows him there as well. will update b...
After Wave, Naruto meets Kyuubi, & gets a new goal in life, but its down to him to become the HERO he wants to be, and maybe more. He will help his city from within the shadow, and become the hero ...
After a shocking discovery when visiting her husband, Hinata does something crazy, never expecting to end the way it did, to her great pleasure.
Naruto and Hinata was saved by an elder blue haired scientist with a strange gun that shoots green portals. Watch as they take their own destinies into their own hands
A rewrite of MikeJV37's Graduation Day (original idea inspired by Perfect Lionheart). Naruto is stuck in an endless time loop. He must achieve his goals to get through the day. Can Naruto find out ...
AU - Years after leaving Konoha, Sasuke decides to return to fill an emptiness growing inside him. Much to his surprise, his old friends don't seem to hold a grudge. Instead, they have all have mov...