"Kakashi e Naruto erano rimasti vicini a lui, avevano provato a consolarlo, ma a quanto pare, la ferita per quell'Iruka era ancora troppo fresca per poter pensare ad altro se non a tutto quello che...
Ino had it all: beauty, brain and she was seen as the hottest social media model around. She prided herself on being the best in everything that she invested herself in. However, one alumni reunion...
Story written for the fifth day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 5. Pranks " How many jokes they had played on him over the years... They were very creative in that, they were up to all sort of things. "
Storia scritta per il quinto giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 5. Pranks " Quanti scherzi che gli avevano fatto lungo il corso degli anni... Erano molto creativi in quello, ne combinavano di ...
Story written for the fifth day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 5. Missing Nin " For years Iruka had kept his eyes closed. He had been faithful to Konoha with all of himself, he had only seen its gre...
Storia scritta per il quinto giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 5. Missing Nin " Per anni Iruka aveva tenuto gli occhi chiusi. Era stato fedele a Konoha con tutto se stesso, aveva visto solo l...
Storia scritta per il quarto giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 3. Any AU " Lo aveva fatto per amore, Iruka. Non lo avrebbe fatto per altri motivi se non quello. Non sarebbe mai andato via di ...
Story written for the fourth day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 4. Any AU " He had done it for love, Iruka. He wouldn't do it for any other reason than that. He would have never leave home, with his...
Story written for the third day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 3. Edo Tensei "Thank you for being to Naruto the father I couldn't be!"
Storia scritta per il terzo giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 3. Edo Tensei "Grazie per essere stato per Naruto il padre che non sono potuto essere!"
Story written for the third day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 3. Fake dating " Iruka had been to many parties in his life, but it had never happened to him to find himself in a situation like this,...
Storia scritta per il terzo giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 3. Fake dating Dal testo: " Iruka era stato a molte feste nella sua vita, ma mai gli era successo di ritrovarsi in una situazi...
Story written for the second day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 2. Folklore & Mythology " He loved his position as a spirit of the Naka River. He had once been a dolphin, he was part of the great R...
Storia scritta per il secondo giorno della Iruka Week 2021. Day 2. Folklore & Mythology " Amava la sua posizione di spirito del fiume Naka. Un tempo era stato un delfino, faceva parte della c...
Story written for the first day of Iruka Week 2021. Day 2. Bonds From the text: " For Iruka, feeling hot or cold was not just a matter of temperature, Iruka drew warmth from being close to...