A Buddy comedy centered around the friendship of the two most iconic figures in the DC pantheon. With a colorful array of the DCU roster. This story is an epic and absurd yet poignant adventure.
Kryptonians have a mating cycle that takes over every few years, and Kara is in heat! She can barely control herself, and now she has to face the worst possible adversary for someone in her cond...
After Superman needs more work to do, he decides to leave Earth. After Belt Ave threatens to destroy the planet of Sayton a strange man Earth calls Superman appears to rescue the people of Sayton.
Supergirl (Kara Danvers) known for being a happy, always smiling person, but when she's home alone then she's breaking down , cutting herself with a kryptonite knife. Alex finds out and Would do a...
In the alternate universe, Jor-El has succeeded in convincing his people to leave Krypton. There is no "Superman," only Kal-El. Wait until you see how Kryptonite is used.
Slightly based on the Superman Truth arc. With the semi-retired Superman's powers debilitating, Power Girl has to deal with a mad man terrorizing Metropolis. But the mad man has ways of dealing wit...