Review for You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have, right?

You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have, right?

(#) Rae_She_Writes 2007-06-18

Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, so I will make this one a killer. I have been following your story and anxiously awaiting updates because you are awesome. Your story is like crack and I am a loyal reader. I never use my author faves but I think that today I am going to start and guess what? This story is going on there. i can;t not read it. you have some major talent in writing and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise because I personally love the way you capture emotion. the funny thing is that I could actually see Pete Wentz in the postions you have put him in in this story which is a rare occurance on Ficwad, mind you. If I haven;t chewed your ear off with how much i adore your story then I am glad, I just wanted you to know that I check it all the time, and my sister calls me a ficwad nerd because of this story. Constantly waiting for an update. Don't make me wait long now, because i am dying to know what happens. Much love and props to a fellow author,

Author's response

Awww, thank you. I usually don't respond to reviews but you deserve to be acknowledge and thanked. I am glad you like my story and it is like crack to you, it makes me feel as a writer that I am appreciated. I will make sure that I will not disappoint you with the rest of the story and thank you for reading and making my story a favorite!


P.S. to all the other people who read my story and review it, thank you to all of you as well!