Review for Subway In The Dark. Scary Stuff =]

Subway In The Dark. Scary Stuff =]

(#) Bex 2007-07-02

aw, that was so cool! love for updates. anyway the image of larten and starbursts really made me laugh. I kind of want kurda to die...but otherwise poor Darren for being so scared! lovelovelove
bestest story ever, obviously. Well, it was written by you, after all...
this is going to be cool! plz update soon

Author's response

Heyy x
Thank You. Yeah I'm Going Through a Phase Of Starburst At The Moment And Larten Is Cool Like Me xD
Thats Kinda Nasty... But I Wouldn't Miss Kurda...
You Are So Genurous (:|
Anyhoo... Update Your Storys Too
Bye x