Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Subway In The Dark. Scary Stuff =]

When Darkness Falls... Turn on The Light.

by lassy101 4 reviews

So Now It's Dark and Stuff.... They Had Better Have A Plan... R&&R

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Darren Shan, Other - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-02 - 1133 words

Heyy Again =D

Discalimer;; Not Mine. Kay?

Okayy Am Gonna Get Straight Into The Story Instead Of Rambling On. Nobody Reads These Bits anyway Right? Awwk Well... Chapter Two Baby ;]


Darren had finally plucked up enough courage to break the silence and have a conversation with Harkat, hoping that something he says might spark off the others to join the conversation. So far- no good. Darren was trying his hardest to keep talking because it freaked him out sitting in silence with someone like Gavner who even made noise when he was sleeping. Harkat wanted to get everyone joking again too but his attempts failed just as miserably as Darren's. It was at the point where the topic of conversations was: "Do you like the fat on some meats? Like bacon?" when Gavner finally snapped.
"Can you please talk about something other than food?! I am starving!" He sighed. Well it wasn't the contribution Darren hoped for but it was something.
"Sorry. I'm quite hungry too. Are we going to stop anytime soon?" Darren asked, directing it mostly to his mentor but just wanting an answer from anyone would be nice.
"If we must. We shall get off at the next stop and catch the train after this." Larten stated looking for some type of acknowledgement from the other vampires.
"Sounds good to me." Gavner smiled.
"When is the next train?" Arra asked.
"Not the foggiest. Larten?" Gavner passed on the question even though Arra was asking Larten in the first place.
"I think they run every twenty minutes until ten o'clock but then every forty minutes after that..." Larten said half making it up as he went along.
"When's the next stop?" Kurda asked, speaking for the first time in about an hour.
"I do not know." Larten said.
"I think it's only-" Arra started. She stopped when the lights went off and the train slowed to a halt.
"That can't be good." Gavner whispered, worriedly.
"You think?" Arra said sarcastically. Vampires had very good sight, but even this was darker than anywhere dark they had ever been. You couldn't see you hand if you held it up to your face.
"The driver will tell us what to do in a couple of minutes." Darren said reassuringly, acting like everyone else was in an advanced state of panic. They weren't.
Fifteen minutes passed without any new from the driver, any other passengers (if there was any) or any people who might come to help.
"I think we should go find the driver." Kurda said. "Maybe he is... looking at what has gone wrong... or talking to other passengers."
"I will go and look. You should stay here in case any news reaches us." Larten said just wanting an excuse to leave.
"I'll come too. I need a walk." Arra said. "If that's okay?"
"That is fine." Larten smiled in the dark; finally he had a chance to apologise properly.
"But I've got a few rules. Don't bring up any arguments. Do not try to say sorry." Arra Said. And quickly added, "And buy me some chocolate from the vending machine."
"Agreed." Larten laughed. "Where exactly are you?" He asked. The darkness finally hitting them.
"I think we need a torch." Darren said rummaging through the emergency stuff he had found under his chair. "Here's one." He switched it on and handed it to Arra. "Don't be long because I don't fancy being stuck in the dark."
"Why? Are you scared?" Arra teased. Darren just blushed. And she and Latten walked off through the other carriage.

They reached the vending machines first. Larten almost walked right past. Accidentally of course. Arra grabbed him and pointed to the sweet one.
"I'll have... a galaxy caramel please." She smiled sweetly to him in the torch light. He sighed. "And get something for yourself too." Larten put in the money and Arra pressed the buttons. Gosh they were an awesome team. Larten got him self a packet of starburst.(A.N. Cool Kid =])
"Happy now?" Larten asked.

They eventually made it to the driver's control bit.
"I do not think he is here." Larten said.
"No shit Sherlock" Arra replied, sitting down on the driver's seat. "Now what?"
"I guess we just go back."
"We could try driving it?"
"I do not think we would get far with that." He sighed taking a seat on one of the other chairs. Arra was swinging on hers lazily. "Besides, everything is done by computers nowadays. It is auto-driver or something."
"Good point. It's probably been screwed up by some guy at the control-y bit." She sighed. They both sat in silence.
"Do you want to go back?"
"Not really." She said truthfully. "We'll have our own party in the dark in here."
"Sounds fun." Larten laughed. "But we have the only source of light."
"Well if they were clever, which I think the are, they would have worked out that every carriage will probably have an emergency kit of its own containing the same equipment."
"I do not think they are that intelegence. Maybe Harkat." Larten said. Arra laughed.
"Yes I'm sure they have all broken out into panicing maniacs by now. It was a good idea to stay here for a while."


Meanwhile, back at the base camp/carriage...
"What is taking them so long?" Darren said worriedly, hoping for a reassuring answer.
"They are probably looking for the vending machines." Kurda said imagining Arra dragging Larten along lookingfor some chocolate. He smiled to himself.
"Or doing it in the toilets. You know, to apologise for earlier." Gavner said laughing.
"Duuuuuuuude!!!! Never ever ever ever EVER say something like that when I am here!" Darren cried. Gavner laughed some more. Darren smiled too, because it was a joke. But Harkat brought down the mood a bit more...
"What if it was... terrorists... didn't you say something... like that was happening... just now?"
"Harkat don't be ridiculous," Kurda said but doubt was in his voice.
"Maybe we should go look for Mr Crepsley and Arra." Darren said in a panic.
"We don't have light. And anyway why would there be an attack on a subway train at night with five vampires and a little person." Gavner comforted.
"What if they are in trouble?" Darren asked.
"Do you really want... to go find them... in the dark. Go ahead... we'll wait here." Harkat said grinning.
"Larten is a big boy; he can look after himself. And Arra is always there if he can't cope." Gavner said. He knew Darren didn't like being without his mentor, especially in these situations, so tried to lighten the mood.
"Ahh!!!!" Kurda screamed. "Something's got my leg!!!"


:O Cliffhanger... Lol. Okay. Review People. Please =D
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