Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Subway In The Dark. Scary Stuff =]

Oh No You Didn't!

by lassy101 5 reviews

THey All Get Stuck on A subway While there's A Blackout. Which Was Caused By The Vampaneze. They All Need To Work Together To Kill Him But They Kinda Fell Out. Not One Of My Best Stories But Wht Ev...

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Darren Shan, Other - Published: 2007-06-18 - Updated: 2007-06-18 - 575 words

Woo. No Heard From me In A While. Thing Is- I'm Lazy. I've Also Been Busy With Other Stuff. If You Know Me Good You Should Know All About It. =| But Writing Will Hopefully Keep my Mind Of It.

You Know I don't own it.

So Yeah. I Hope This'll Be A One Shot But I Might Take The Easy Road And Do It In Chapters...

Oh Wellies You'll Find Out =D


Here's a lesson about vampires: Don't make a remark about one's sexuality, when you take one's side do not get bitchy about the others, what happened in one's past should not be used as verbal warfare, calling one childish names is very immature.

Darren thought about how he should've recited these rules before they all fell out over something as stupid as it was.
They were on a subway train, in the middle of the night, travelling to their new destination. It was the usual crew: Arra, Larten, Darren, Gavner, Kurda and Harkat. They were all sent to this city for some reason only Kurda knew. Anyway, they were all sitting in silence. There was an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife. The silence gave it away they had been fighting. The old man sprawled across a couple of seats knew it, the girl tucked into the corner with her music blaring out of her iPod could tell, even the baby fast asleep knew something was up.
And what was it over? A stupid comment Arra made doubting Kurda's sexuality. Well then Gavner had to stand up for him, but the only thing he could think of to insult Arra brought Crepsley into the equation. Everyone knew that when arguing with Arra or Larten DO NOT drag the other into the argument. And then, Larten, defending himself more than anything, said "She's the one who screwed it up!"
I think that was the cue for Kurda and Gavner to leave the argument. Arra didn't want to argue about that so she stormed off to her room. Leaving Larten feeling scared and stupid. She didn't speak a word to him or anyone except Harkat that night where they were leaving that hotel. Larten tried on many occasions to apologise but she was having none of it.
And That Brings Us Back To the Subway. Arra sat at the end next to Harkat. Next To Him Was Larten and on Larten's other side was Darren. Gavner and Kurda were still friends and sat together -although they didn't dare break the silence (part of it being the fact after Arra's 'gay' accusations things were a bit awkward between them.) It was about 11 o'clock at that time. The girl and woman with the baby got off about an hour ago. And the old man was getting off at the stop the train was stationed. So everyone had the whole carriage to themselves. They all split up when the randoms got off. Larten tried to say sorry again but Arra just told him where to put his apology.
So things weren't good for the vampires but little did they know that all their problems had to be sorted or put to the side soon enough because there was bigger fish to fry...


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Well Only If You Want But It Would Be Mighty Nice! =D
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