Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2007-11-19

Mahaahahah!!! Aliens... love them!! maps of where aliens dump people... I'm in possession of those... evil laughter You know, I already read those stories. I don't know if I commented, it might have been before I had an account on this thing. "every step I took I swore a hundred times." You know, I actually do that, when I'm really REALLY angry. Random fact anyone? I'm laughing so hard and writing this as I read the story. So it will be a long and convoluted review. But don't let that stop you... hahaha. "“CAT FIGHT!” Frankie yelled happily" hahaahahahah I love that dude. At least your version of the boy. "“The idiotic, out of place comments of people that think they know me still amaze me” I replied." You should have made it "amaze ME". I forget what that's called. But I think it would have made me laugh more. Okay, so now I sound like I'm on drugs. I'd better shut up.
At the risk of being laughed to shame and tears hiding under my desk and all those etcs, will you take a look at my stories, and perhaps review in a kind and gentle manner with small jokes included for my entertainment and delight? hopeful puppydog eyes morph from usual evil eyes I wait!!! mahahahahah...
Oh, nice update by the way! more more moreeee

Author's response

omg this is the best review i've gotten so far! and I just said that to Kamz this morning!
ZOMG! you are the bestest! oh no, please, DON'T ever shut up! hahahah
of course I will shwetty!
you're so cool i'ma do that like right nowz!
