Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2007-11-29

I'm genuine too!! cries Natz doesn't believe in us, my precious.
No! Don't bite! I forbid it! Oh. You want to bite Natz? Well, I don't think she'll appreciate it, but I'll ask her.

Natz, you don't particularly want my towel to come and munch your toes do you?


Well, she didn't answer. I think that means no. But we'll try again later.

Oh hell no it is not later yet! You be patient or I'll wash you in clean water. So help me!!!

smiles gleefully at Natz So, as I was saying...wait, I forgot what I was saying, and it's gonna be wayyy too much work to scroll up this bloody thing.
Anyway, I liked it. I like the fact that her foot was in Frankie's ass. If the ass fits...wear it. ROTFL


No! You are no-fucking-t allowed to roll on the ground with me. You're all fucked up from the acid you fell into. Go to sleep, there's a good towel.

As I was saying, yes I remembered! Hooray for me.. sings Hooray for you, hooray for me, hooray, hooray, the Pooh will soon be free..

No wait. We're not watching Winnie the Pooh. We're actually watching the little block on the side get smaller and smaller. It's very amusing.
You don't believe me? Here, ask my towel!
pushes towel toward Nat
Just watch out for the acid. Cause if you're an alien, that's bound to sting a little.
Okay, so where was I? Oh, that's right. I'm like, reviewing the story.

Yeah, I don't think she should go. And that's about it. You can keep the towel.
runs away screaming hysterically


Hehe, bet you believed that. Oh fuck, the towel's coming to get me. Wait has a brainstorm I can hypnotise it with this teabag. pulls teabag out of thin air
that is one cool skill I have there, look at that, look at that! Now let's see. One, two, three, one two, three. "You think you are a towel. You are thinking towel thoughts. Towelly towelly towelly!"

Well what do you know? It worked. I'm going to find that toothbrush.

skips off the page

Author's response

hygienic items in your part of the world have decided to go insane and give you a lesson or two!!
what would it be next? tampon?
i sugest you do an acid wash to EVERYTHING at your place
its better to have burned stuff than aliens in desguise!
'cause believe me, that psychiatrist/toothbrush and talking towel are ALIENS!!!
and someday the teabags will cease to exist and nothing's gonna be able to prevent them from attacking you
take this very serious advice
its gonna save your butt