Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2007-12-07

hahahahahhahaahah I wasn't going to review because you didn't respond to my last loving chronicle. But... I couldn't help myself. :D
God it was funny! I don't know if you're merely including the aliens for my obsessive benefit, or if you really had planned to have them there. But either way... rock on! LOL. I wub you!

Author's response

wadda ya mean?!
I've replied to EVERYTHING you've written to me, love!!!
hahhah thank you vewwy muchhh!!
awwwm man you got me!
I put the aliens in for you, lolz! couldn't really help it hehe!
wish me luck on my semestrals, they start on monday and the first one is the most dreaded by most and me most of all: MATH!
(scary music on the background & screams)
me = scareddd!