Review for A User's Guide to Pregnancy.

A User's Guide to Pregnancy.

(#) Life_is_42 2007-12-09

okay. so this is incredibly scary.
my MSN conversation with my best friend last night (mind you. in our pretendness...she's married to brendon, and i'm married to jon. and we bring it up often):

Lifey: My boob hurts!
Her: Usually if my boobs hurt its cause i'm gonna have my period.
Lifey: But it's just one. maybe i'll have half a period...
Her: ......
Lifey: haha imagine jon : "Do you want me to massage them for you?"

Lifey: Me: Go away!

and then today i read this....o.o scarrrrry

anyways i can't wait for the next installment! poor jon! this is all new to him! XD