Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2007-12-20

Nooooooooo!!! don't cry! I had to go then, really REALLY fast. But I'll try and write something amusing now.
Ooh, I know! I'll share an anecdote. I'm drunk, see. I drank like two double gin and something... and a couple white wine and something.. my alcohol tolerance is shamefully low - I can't even walk in a straight line. But I can type. Oh joy. Fuck. I can hardly spell. My touch typing has gone to fucking pot. And someone keeps trying to come into my room. One of these days I WILL kill them. And it will be their fault.
I can't write about anything... I don't know anything. I feel sick. I hate wine. I don't give a fuck what it's mixed with - it makes me sick. I broke my glasses. Some kid knocked them on the floor. Now I might as well be blind. I hate being blind. Sigh. And I hate not being able to type. In my next life I want to be a shark with a fricken laser beam on its head.
I think this review has run its course. I don't even fucking remember the chapter or my first review. But I'm sure I love the story!! YAY NAT!!!!

Author's response

well i'll forgive you
just cuz i love getting drunk
where you in like a party or something?
yeah, shamefully low, I see
why did you want to be a shark with a laser beam?
you're a fun drunk