Review for To The End

To The End

(#) frankxgerard 2007-12-22

Lol. Raping is fun.

My lj is purposely friends-only. So that people who I haven't approved to friend me don't flame my stuff, you know?

Mines is: vetromascherare

vetromascherare is the writing journal one, so would you pretty please friend me? pleading eyes

Uhm, yeah. lol.

Yours says stuff about your life, right? Not that I read it or anything. Is that you? It sezzz...

Your friend is punkrockerpeep?

I'm not sure if thats you or not. Ahh, yawn, I'm getting tired. 's almost 10 here. that's why my puntuation and capitalization has atrophied obviously. Uhh, yeah. Comment on my whatever to be added. Cause I like comments better than just being added because if anyone stumbles over my journal and sees no comments on my friends-only banner entry, it'll probably look like I have no friends. Which I don't, but they don't need to know that, do they? lol.

So, thank you for the nice comments on Give Em Hell Kid (dude that was alot of words to type and now my finges are even tireder) and sorry about bitching and all. I dedicated the whole entire The Sharpest Lives to you, which you can see for realz if you friend me okay ill stop spamming now aaaAAAHhhhH!!!111!1one!!1111! teenyness attacking must get offline and sleep off the heart attack of hearing teenagers on the radio fucking pretentious im telling you goodnight.