Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2007-12-26

I knew feliz navidad. How dumb am I?
In french, Merry christmas is joyeux noel, and happy new year is bonne annee.
I think llamas should be killed by pigs. Long story. :P

Author's response

yeah i thought you should've heard it somewhere
i dunno in where you live
i'm guessing usa
but soemtimes there are latin restaurants there which have feliz navidad and stuff like that
so i asumed you would've heard it before
and prolly didn't remember
ooohhh interesting
i'll keep those in mind
that's weird
why pigs?
which kind of pigs?
and how should pigs kill them?
like bite them to death?
that's cruel.
maybe the stench of pigs kill them?
let's not make their deaths too painfull
poor llamas