Review for Room of Requirement

Room of Requirement

(#) Cateagle 2007-12-26

-wicked chuckle- Now, -that- was quite the chapter. I see that Harry's making excellent use, for a normal guy, his age, of the RoR and learning a fair bit; I wonder when we'll get to see him apply his knowledge? I like the alternate room they have for the DADA club and it'll be interesting to see what happens there.

The Quidditch game was an interesting touch, with a restrained, but thoroughly ticked-off Gryffindor team decided to not just drub, but thoroughly humiliate the Slytherins. I reckon that one should hurt more than "just" a loss to Gryffindor.

It'll be interesting to see how matters proceed 'tween Harry and Angelina and what other girls -really- capture his attention. And how he manages to attract and share pleasure with them.


Author's response

It'll be a great deal more than 'just a loss' against Gryffindor and will have far reaching consequences.

I thought the new defense room was pretty cool myself. Would be quite handy for a castle that size.

Thanks for the review!