Review for Room of Requirement

Room of Requirement

(#) wesley 2007-12-28

I like it a~lot! This chapter was great I wondered I like the maturing theme you have I can see his emotional maturing happening and it doesn’t seem forced just a few of those, ‘ oh, I get it!’ moments. I like the bit between Cho and Marietta, and liked Harry and Angelina too. I hope there is more in the next chapters. The only recommendations I have are these…

The bit were Harry experienced Marietta’s point of few was confusing as hell maybe find a way to give stronger indication that this is now first person because I thought you had started writing a fantasy of your own instead of what was going on.

2 It might be good to show Harry maturing in other ways too. He is already using the room of requirements for his personal gain maybe show him start to keep his secrets a bit more and work in the shadows a bit show his sneakiness and hold some fighting tactics in reserve. Not uber stuff but… yeah.

And it would be cool to have a little Harry/Tonks action but I am a Honks fan so…

Too much more and I am dictating so good luck with the next chapters and I hope top see them soon.

PS I am using a similar idea to yours with the room of requirement thing but yeah thought I would let you know. I could send a link or copy when I get it finished if you like. It was your work that got the idea going. Of course I do have a tendency to abandon my fics…