Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2008-01-07

Sorry I haven't been commenting. Call me bindie. I won't be on so much though, so I mightn't be able to comment a lot. Just keeping up with a couple of the faves, lol.
Kay, gotta go. Again, sorry this is short - just wanted you to knwo I'm still alive. XO

Author's response

yeah dude i was just about to think you dropped dead!!!
btw i went this weekend to this sort of 'farm' thing
it's kind of a ....zoo a farm...
dunno if you get what i mean
there were LLAMASSS!!! and i took a pic for you but Kamz was clumsy and it came out real blurry
i was inches close to the llama
and i felt scared, oh yes,scared!
that sucks that u won't be on...
i miss you!