Review for Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun.

(#) TheUnicorn 2008-01-11

Review of Chapter 1
Nice start, amazingly enough you managed to avoid all the usual "sudden realization" idiocies most independent!harry stories clog the start of the story, that's great. I'm glad you established the Gabrielle was 13, not 8 when Harry first saw her and if I'm guessing the direction your going you seem to have avoided the usual pitfalls with veela bonding nonsense. Good start, now I'll see if it lives up to expectations.

The Unicorn

Author's response

I hope it does.

Those sudden insights are sometimes necessary, but they are still annoying, especially when you have to use them. There are so many ways to go about a Bonding. Why use the same?

