Review for the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

the fact of the matter it that is just a matter of time

(#) bindie611 2008-01-26

ahahahahahahahah I love that. I just did what she did to someone else's malibu. Minus swigging half the bottle, of course. Since you don't do that to someone else's alcohol. LOL
I'm such a drunkard. :P
I think I'm going to exorcise myself. But oh look, I have no tea bags. Only tea leaves. Dammit.
If I can't get exorcised, I'm going to read my future in those tea leaves. I tell you what!

There should have been photos of llamas up on those walls.

Author's response

oh mannn you did?!
that's the kind of thing I'd like to see on a picture haha
ohhh of only i had alcohol near me :(
our relationship's been torn apart from lack of money and parties to get it free
oh well
i'll have to satisfy myself with writting about it
ooohh yeah i didn't think of that!