Review for Harry Potter and The Invincible Technomage

Harry Potter and The Invincible Technomage

(#) DarkHercules 2008-02-03

Ya know, I really like your fic, but I really do have one main gripe. I fully understand that Harry loves Tony, I get it. Hell, I can even empathize a little, my dad ain't my dad do to biology.He is 'cause he wanted to be. Even gave me his name. Thing is, Harry's parents died to protect him, & he acts like he doesn't care. I don't klnow if this is a plot device saying he really doesn't know or not, but if I had a friend who acted as disrespectful to their memory as he SEEMS to, I won't lie, I'd beat the shit oput of him. Now, I don't normally cuss in reviews, but this falls, in my mind, into one of the few things I don't forgive. Betrayal. When he acts like that, it feels to my like he's betraying their memory. They faced down what could be considered as a demon in human skin to try to protect him. They both sacrificed themselves so that he could live, & he acts like he doesn't give a damn. I'm sorry, like I said maybe he doesn't really know, but acting based on what I've seen, yes, I'd kick the shit out of him till he showed some proper respect for people who gave their all for him. Sorry about the rant, but that's just how I feel. Thank for your time. Hope you reply.

Author's response

- Harry's been told his parents died to protect him, but he's also been told a lot of other things about that night that make absolutely no sense and that no one survived to tell the tale of. Let's try this out:

Michael and Amy Terwillicer died for you.

You've never heard of them before, but I just told you they died for you. Mourning them yet?

- Let me be clear on Harry's relationship with the Potters. He doesn't remember them. His only memories of being Harry Potter are not pleasant ones. James and Lilly Potter are just names to him, he has no emotional investment in them. They gave him life, but they are not his parents.

- Did they give their all for him? If so, how does he know? What if the attack actually had nothing to do with him, but was simply because James and Lilly ticked off the wron Dark Lord? How could you tell the difference? Because the guy who stuck him with the Dursleys told him (and you) so?