Review for A nasty, guilty pleasure.

A nasty, guilty pleasure.

(#) mooniexmisfit 2008-02-12

Haha, when you said jewish I was gonna be like, Troh!
But, troh aint no lawyer.
Seriously, lovely chapter. Can't wait for more.
Seriously, I don't think I can wait.

Author's response

xDD nope. daisy's no ho-bag. she just has a silver spoon up her well-bred ass. btw, if you go to my profile page, you can see daisy, pete, and ashlee ^^ i was gonna put an old vintige effect when i made the picutres, but it took too long and as we all know, jews have no paitence xD
and as for the waiting thing, that's exactly why you can go read the new one i just wrote ^^

you know you love me
gossip girl