Whoo! Update! does happy dance
I don't normally read the slash-related fics, but this one's very promising. Looking forward to more!
Btw, I saw a clip of an interview of Frank, Mikey and Ray, and they were asked about how they felt about fanfiction. Frank said, "I've heard about it, but I tend not to read it." Mikey said that he read just one paragraph of a fanfic and decided that he'll never read it again, and Ray said, "Stop making us do it with each other in your fanfiction!" But they like the fact that we're exploring our creativity, though, LOL.
It would be EXTREMELY awkward but really funny if Ray read this. If they read mine they'd be really freaked out, my fanfic on this site is about them as high school students! x)
Author's response
Haha! Yeah, I've seen that interview! Iw as like Shifty Eyes bwahahahahaha!
If Ray read this he would probably just assume some sick pervert was writing down their fantasies for other perverts to read. And he would be right! But I'm perverted in a GOOD way!
Hehe! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I dont think ive read your fic, i think i will now!