This story is great!! I really like the aspect of post-SG that you chose to write about, and a very engaging setting and plot so far. I like that it's got some music savvy in it, and that you have good angst. But for goodness sakes, please, let's have some MORE! Got to find out what happens with these two.
Don't be shy to keep writing!
Author's response
I really have to say a big thank you!For your encouragement and support. You know in our country, students live really busy school life and they don't have time to enjoy music or write stories. So I might be unable to renew this one so often, but I'll make sure that I finish it. Please let me know if I used any expressions that are not native enough or caused misunderstandings during your reading.
I'm really into music, both classic and popular. And I love SG because of their unique music~. I like Dan more cos I admire his music tallent (and he's soooooo good looking!), and I also like the most sensitive and touching lyrics of Daz as well.