Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) _cranium_ 2008-03-05

ahh i'm late again. but this time i have a good reason. one that has nothing to do with jacob. i've bene in helsinki and i went to the smashing pumpkins concert.
not good enough? i got to meet the one and only mr. corgan, too. see, told you i had a good reason:)
ok enough about that... the chapter... was really good. i liked the part where they were by the window. maybe because for once they weren't fighting or maybe just cause hat's what i find myself doing pretty often. staring out from a window, that is.
i feel like they both think they're the little victims. she doesn't seem to think how hard this must be for him, and he doesn't think much about her feelings either. but yeah i guess not considering each others emotions is a part of hating each other...

Author's response

0_0...I'm gonna save all my cooing for later, and you know I want a full report on the awesomeness!