Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) sayDIE 2008-03-18

dude i love this story. too bad i only found out how great it is today. anyway please update soon, i loove it. i hope she and gerard would end up together. wha, that was cheesy. but anyway, i'm sitting here wondering what would happen if her dad and donna find out that their spouses are cheating on them? can't wait, please update soon. :))

Author's response

ah a new reader -rubs hands- fresh flesh...Come my pretty!

Please don't be too freaked out, the author of this particular story tends to drink too much coffee for her own good and acts strange at times, what she actually meant is 'Glad you enjoyed it'

PS I just figured the A/N is as weirder as the actual respond...I'll stop now, I promise..