Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) hopeanne 2008-03-24

Oh man. I owe you a bunch of reviews so Im doing it here cause its easier to see which goes to which chapter.
This scene came off brilliantly. I loved it. You captured it all really well, her taunting him and then choking and all the emotions that go with it. I mean she is 15. I love how you keep her so realistic like that. Its so easy to make your charac.s or atleast want to make your characs sorta heroic or smart all the time or right all the time but you keep her so real. She makes a lot of mistakes and the best part is she never seems to learn from them. lol.
Story plot wise. I do think she needs to 'fall' a bit more before reaching rock bottom, mostly cause she doesnt even see herself as spiraling downwards yet. And gee. Oh gee. He is a typical teenaged boy. Give them the choice of common sense or getting some and see what happens.