Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) _cranium_ 2008-03-29

oh man that must've been hard trying not to burst out laughing !
this was the funniest shit i've read in a long time. my grin is so wide it hurts my ears. if that's possible.

oh why are 'sorry' and 'please' such hard words to say?
viola should learn some cool language so she could silence her guilty conscience (in case she has one) by apologizing and pleasing all she wants, without having to deal with the embarrasment which follows being nice to gerard.
and yeah gerard could do the same.

Author's response

k I'm gonna be all cliche on your ass. Sorry seem to be the hardest word...They didn't a song for please yet lol...but I guess it's cause when you say sorry or please you appear weak.