Review for Because I'll Never Stop Watching Over You

Because I'll Never Stop Watching Over You

(#) QueenPanda139 2008-03-31

Name: Alexia(Alex) Marie Proulx
Age:24(or twin)
Pairing:Doesn't matter
Height:5'10"(real hgt)
Eyes: Blue/Green
Hair:Blood Red on top Black on bottom layer
Birthday:Oct. 31(or whatever twins is)
Fave Food: Sushi and GummiBears

Extra info: I am bisexual, singer, play guitar and dances. I draw and usually shop at PacSun or Hot Topic and Spencers. I have a double-top ear piercing(both are rings) and two on the bottom. A lip piercing on left side and a pale complex. I only wear tight jeans when it comes to pants.
