Now that was great......I like the way you made Voldy screw himself via that loyalty oath! It's only fair after all, he'd had his nibblers swear their lives and souls to him and since he worshipped pureblood culture so much you'd think he'd appriciate the plan in all of its detail. Neville rocked in his scene with dear Pansy. Hmmmm, all in all she probably got off easier via Tommy then she would have vs Neville. Dumbles's takedown was also great, and it seems so like him that he'd keep trying to use those idiotic tactics of his until the end. I also liked hearing the explanation for a certian epilogue, and that the Weasleys were doing well, especially the twins. If Harry's family is connected via marriage to Luna and Justin's is it possible that someday there might be another connection to Neville and Hannah's ? My thanks for the story, I've enjoyed it very much!