Review for Harry Potter and the Ultimate Warrior.

Harry Potter and the Ultimate Warrior.

(#) grookill 2008-05-14

This is a fun fic to read, but as other reviewers mentioned, you need to keep an eye out for homonyms and near-homonyms.

Personally, I like the Harry/Hermoine interaction. Maybe she's his soulmate or whatever, but if she is, I hope you'll make sure that Harry has some "fun" on the side.

Story wise, I think you need to be careful that you haven't made Harry too powerful. The way you've written it so far, I would think Harry could use Voldemort to mop the floor. If that's the case, what's the challenge, and what are the risks? Powerful!Harry is cool and fun to read. UberPowerful!Harry gets boring after a while.