Review for Long Live the Car-Crash Hearts

Long Live the Car-Crash Hearts

(#) pyrotechnicist 2008-05-19

Whaa?" Joe mumbled eloquently. Great. Note to self: never ask Patrick to do something boy-related for me ever again. It left too much to clean up. This would be fun. Not.

lol ok i loved that
i totally 'whine' at boys to get them to do what i want to...
i have t say its very effective until u want them to carry you.

then the attemp falls flat, pretty much everytime.


good chapter
coulda been better i admit but it was still enjoyable.

ur very welcome for my reviews; they cost me nothing but time and hopefully make u feel good.

thanks for the sidewalk chalk too, i just ran out, as for aircon, since im in Australia its very welcome. xcept for the oncomming winter factor =P
