Review for We can settle this affair.

We can settle this affair.

(#) snowqueendruscilla 2008-05-19

Ah man.. I had this totally sweet comment going on, and since I was watching Juno, and started to laugh, I accidentally clicked on something which changed the page to another one.. And well.. It's gone and I don't remember it.. :(

Anyways nice curveball with Alex and Shane being lovers, and Gee is in so much fucking trouble.. I guess Mikey is too, but we didn't hear him getting yelled at....

I love the frequent updates... At first I didn't believe that you had updated, just thought I forgot to delete the email, and bam! there's a new one. :D

Anyways.. I'm done. :D Can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's response

Oh Juno is such a sweet movie! I totally understand! That line when her mom was all I'm gonna have a dog when you move out and her whole reaction with whoa dream big, had me laughing for days and days! I think I'm gonna watch it again. And again. And again. Finally some movie worth of the success it's getting.