Review for Elementary Calculations

Elementary Calculations

(#) Wonderbee31 2008-06-02

Really enjoyed this part a lot. Fun to see how things went with Harry and Tom there, and the two of them are acting much more like classic enemy and villain, with a bit of charm rather than the mad dog way that Tom came across in canon. Also fun to see how Harry is getting on with Padma and Su, and looking forward to the Hermione intro, as well as seeing what goes down with Snape, who is an idiot, and doesn't deserve half the love that people want to give him. He seems to be nothing more than a creepy stalker, who was "willing" to sacrifice the husband and child of the woman he "loved?" Yeah, great father material from the canon anyway.

Author's response

Even before it became canon people would pair Lily with Snape and I just never saw the draw. Snape comes across very creepy in canon with the way he obssessed over Lily.