Review for Motorcycle


(#) Cateagle 2008-06-28

-chuckle- I love the way things are developing between Harry & Hermione and I've no doubt tha,t by the time they meet up again with the Warlocks, Hermione will have properly "taken care of" Harry and the two will be a couple. It's quite interesting to see how even a "simple" trip develops complications and that they now have Dark Creature Hunter licenses as well as a new trunk with very "interesting" accessories. There are some interesting ideas here, such as the memory strand duplication that sound quite plausible; I suspect the only reason it's not been tried before is that it's based on "muggle knowledge" (which is as big a stumbling block for the magical world as "Jewish science" was for the Third Reich).

I'll admit to being rather disappointed in the members of the Order's governing council as well as in Ron & Ginny. I daresay that it's going to be interesting to see what happens when the depths of betrayal there are found. I suspect it's not going to be a pretty sight. Too, I applaud Augusta Longbottom for her protections of Neville; I suspect things are going to get quite interesting on that front, too, with Ginny now aiming at him instead of Harry. When they find out about all the betrayals, including both Minerva and Remus, I could see Harry & Hermione transferring to Beauxbatons rather quickly, or using that more powerful time turner to finish their education and take their NEWTS early.